701 Years Ago

Today is the 701st anniversary of the arrest of the Knights Templar.

If you haven't been to your Commandery in a while and they are meeting tonight, consider going and reminding your fellow Sir Knights of the date, the event, and their legendary forbearers.

I'm a little behind on the news, but the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction's library at Washington DC's House of the Temple has, in addition to the Grand Lodge of New York's Livingston Library, obtained a copy of the Processus Contra Templarios—Papal Inquiry into the Trial of the Templars, a facsimile of the documents of the Vatican's probe into the charges of heresy brought against the knights. One of only 799 copies printed by the Vatican's Secret Archives, the $8,000 book is now available in both of these Masonic libraries for study by researchers.

The book contains the "Chinon Parchment," a recently re-discovered document that exonerated the Knights of heresy after an investigation by Pope Clement V.

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