Brothers Adam Kendall (left) and Ivanhoe Lodge #142 Director of Ceremonies, Mike Bayrak
On November 29, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta lodges Highlands-Unity Lodge #168, Jasper Lodge #14, Fiat Lux Lodge of Research #1980 and West Edmonton Lodge #101 will hold their annual feast and guest speaker presentation. This year's speaker will be W. Bro. Adam Kendall, the Curator, Manager, Historian and Manager of Collections at the Henry Wilson Coil Library and Museum of Freemasonry at the Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of California in San Francisco.
According to friend and brother WBro. R. J. Hayes, PM of Highlands-Unity lodge, there will be a tyled meeting/talk in the afternoon and an open-to-the-public dinner/talk in the evening. Spouses, friends, prospective Masons are welcome to dinner. Further details and ticket availability will follow - although the tickets for the dinner (including wine) will be priced at $60.00 per person, $110.00 per couple.
Adam will be the fourth annual international guest speaker in this series. Previous speakers have been Fred Milliken from Texas in 2005, Kent Henderson from Victoria, Australia in 2007, and a certain Dummy in 2006. This event should prove to be mutually enjoyable for all. Adam has a wide range of interests, from the deeply esoteric to the boundlessly entertaining and trivially odd - it goes with the territory of being in the museum business. And he'll find the brethren in Edmonton well-informed, enthusiastic, and great fun.
All in all, a terrific way to spend an autumn weekend.
Tip: Adam, bone up on hockey stats.