An exciting, new organization to cultivate a greater understanding of Freemasonry has been launched to serve the Craft throughout North America. Called simply The Masonic Society, we are gathering together brothers who have a deep and abiding desire to seek knowledge, explore history, discover symbolism, debate philosophies, and in short, who will be at the forefront of charting a path for the future of Freemasonry. While some of its Founding Fellows are among the best known writers, researchers and organizers in Freemasonry, The Masonic Society is made up of authors, historians, scholars, ritualists, administrators, internet authors - experienced veterans, and new Masons alike, embracing traditional and new forms of media.
The Masonic Society will publish its quarterly Journal, containing insights into the meaning of Masonry in a literary yet accessible voice. The writers you'll meet are many of the very same authors and educators you already know from the world's leading lodges and societies of Masonic research, and others from local lodges you may have visited in your travels. What brings them together in this enterprise is their never faltering love of Freemasonry and their mutual desire to shine that Light toward brethren who might not feel "at home" in a formal research lodge or research society. In each issue, you'll be informed and entertained by timely reporting of current events from around the globe; by its insightful opinions; by the scholarship of non-Masons in academia; and by many, many more thought-provoking attractions that have been absent from Masonic magazines for decades.
The Journal Of The Masonic Society will help to nurture research lodges around the US and Canada by featuring the best of their work that rarely gets distributed outside of their own meetings. And The Journal will be the only North American magazine devoted to Freemasonry that will feature advertising from the world of Masonic publishing, regalia, jewelry and collectibles - companies that currently have no way to tell Freemasons they are open for business.
The official launch date of The Masonic Society was May 1st, and the response has already been overwhelming. We hope you will see fit to join, and make The Masonic Society your own.
For more information or to join online, go to: www.themasonicsociety.com