The Spring 08 issue of Freemasonry Today is online now.
One of the news items concerns the international call for papers by the UK's Internet Lodge No. 9659, sponsored by the United Grand Lodge of England's Pro-Grand Master, Lord Northampton. Of the 77 papers from 16 countries, judged by an international panel, two of the three winning entries were by Americans.
Lady Mason Wins Major Award
There was an international entry for the Internet Lodge Short Papers Competition, sponsored by Lord Northampton, the Pro Grand Master, and this worldwide flavour was reflected in the winners.
Of the 77 entries received, 70 were valid for entry into the competition. Entries were received from 16 countries – Australia, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, England, Greece, India, Italy, Lebanon, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, Thailand, USA and Wales.
There were three award categories: The Northampton Award for the best paper overall, the World Award for the best short paper by a Mason who is not a member of a Lodge under the UGLE and the Nova Award for a Brother who has been a member of the Craft for less than five years and has not been Master of a Lodge.
The winner of the Northampton Award is Alan Bergin. His paper is entitled "Were King Solomon’s Pillars Hexagonal?" Brother Alan is a Dorset Mason, currently living and working in Tenerife and a member of Tenerife Lodge No. 117.
The World Award prize went to Karen Kidd for her paper "I am Regular." Ms Kidd is a member of Shemesh Lodge No. 13 under the Honourable Order of American Co-Masonry in Seattle.
The Nova Award was won by Michael Halleran of Emporia Lodge, Kansas, with his paper "Tomato, To-Mah-To – Shibboleths Beyond the Craft." Michael also presented another paper to Quatuor Coronati Lodge two weeks before the Internet Lodge presentations.
Competition judges were Rich van Doren from the USA., Alan Tibbetts from Canada, Steve Burgoyne from South Africa, Andreas Rizopoulos from Greece and Alan Wyer and Stephen Wall, both from the UK.
The overall quality of the papers was such that the international judging panel had difficulty in choosing the winners. The winners were announced on 14th March at Freemasons’ Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester, with the Pro Grand Master presenting the prizes.
The success of the competition means that it is all set to become an annual event. Details will be on the Internet Lodge website, www.internet.lodge.org.uk shortly.
If you hang out in Masonic discussions forums, you've probably come across postings by Karen Kidd, who travels under the screen name Imakegarb (that's her up top with Lord Northampton). Congratulations to Brothers Bergin, Halleran and Kidd for their work, their contributions and their achievements.
One interesting side note - our English brethren may be feeling infiltrated by Yanks this year. Not only did two of these three awards go to Americans, but the Worshipful Masters of both Internet Lodge and Quatuor Coronati Lodge this year are Americans.
All 70 of the eligible papers are available here.