Martin Wolf Chairs Panel of Superpundits @ Davos

If you've got the scratch, head over and see the Financial Times' Martin Wolf chairing a panel featuring some of the financial world's most-watched figures. These are:

Dominique Strauss Kahn, Director-General of the IMF
Palaniappan Chidambaram, Indian Finance Minister
Yoshimi Watanabe, Japanese Financial Services Minister
Christine Legarde, French Finance Minister
John Thain, Chairman of Merrill-Lynch
Larry Summers, former US Treasury Secretary

The main topic for discussion is the possibility of the developing world decoupling from the subprime-led slowdown in the US. Interesting stuff. Chidambaram predicts an 8-8.5% growth rate for India in 2008, so you can say he's an optimist on decoupling. As they always say, we'll see...

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