Showing posts with the label root causes

TPS Termination: What It Means for Haitians and Hondurans

\The media focus on Trump’s DACA termination shouldn’t distract us from the ongoing threat to  more than 400,000 immigrants with Temporary Protected Status (TPS). So far, the administration has annou…

Racist Immigration Policies Didn’t Start With Trump

These two articles detail the ways in which racism has always been a crucial element in U.S. immigration policy. Paul A. Kramer’s New York Times op-ed is especially noteworthy for asking “to what ex…

What Deportation Really Means

When Deportation Is a Death Sentence Hundreds of thousands of immigrants in the U.S. may face violence and murder in their home countries. What happens when they are forced to return? Laura S. Photo:…

Humans, “Aliens,” and “Shithole Countries”

There is no evidence that Donald Trump has ever in his life performed a single selfless act, let alone any act of heroism. Probably he wouldn’t be able even to imagine the nobility of character I wit…

NYC, 1/15/18: Stand Up for Immigrants and Against Racism

1. Stand With Us on Martin Luther King Jr. Day as we proclaim “Immigrant Rights are Human Rights”. Ravi Ragbir, Jean Montreveil, and others have been unjustly detained. Join us Monday as we stand tog…

Trump Targets NY Immigrant Rights Activists

The administration is now taking aim at a faith-based New York activist coalition. This morning ICE detained the New Sanctuary Coalition 's executive director, Ravi Ragbir, during his scheduled c…

DACA and TPS: Trump Plans to Push 1 Million More Into the Shadows

Trump rants about Salvadoran gangs. Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images On January 9 the administration announced that it was terminating Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for some quarter million Salva…

Blitzer on MS-13, Lind on “Chain Migration”

Two excellent articles from the mainstream to close out the year.—TPOI editor The Teens Trapped Between a Gang and the Law On Long Island, unaccompanied minors are caught between the violence of MS-1…

Next Up: Separating Migrant Kids From Their Parents

The security threat on our borders?  Photo: Jennifer Whitney/NY Times            The Washington Post reports that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is again considering former department hea…

Want to limit migration? We can start by supporting democracy in Honduras.

This Washington Post op-ed is one of the few pieces in the mainstream U.S. media to note the link between immigration from Honduras and the corrupt and repressive U.S.-backed government there. Far fr…

Organizers: 'Border Encuentro’ gained momentum in its second year

Photo: Kendal Blust/Nogagles International By Kendal Blust, Nogales International November 14, 2017 Under a canopy of large white flags printed with the Veterans for Peace logo, a group of activists …

Upside Down World Has Relaunched; Now Let’s Help It Expand

Dear friends, As you know, many immigrants to the United States come from Latin American and the Caribbean, and understanding developments in those regions is an important part of understanding how t…

Immigration, the Drug War and Big Pharma: Where’s the Outrage?

Here are three stories that have been in the news recently. The corporate media have presented them as unrelated; nothing could be further from the truth . An article in the New Yorker details how th…

How US Foreign Policy Helped Create the Immigration Crisis

Neoliberal strictures, support for oligarchs, and the War on Drugs have impoverished millions and destabilized Latin America. By Jeff Faux, The Nation October 18, 2017 As his price for not deporting …

Join WFP, SOA Watch, COPINH & More at the Border Encuentro Nov. 10-12!

From Witness for Peace September 28, 2017 This year, from  November 10-12 , Witness for Peace staff, along with human rights activists, torture survivors, anti-war veterans, students, families, union…

Book Presentations: David Bacon’s “In the Fields of the North / En los Campos del Norte”

David Bacon’s new book, In the Fields of the North / En los Campos del Norte , came out on May 1. Published by the University of California Press and Colegio de la Frontera Norte, the book is “an int…

Exploitation and Abuse at the Chicken Plant

This important article breaks two mainstream media taboos: it shows how immigration status enables corporation to super-exploit workers, and it mentions one of the ways in which Washington’s foreign …

Two Recent Studies Debunk Anti-Immigrant “Alternative Facts”

Among the right’s favorite talking points are claims that “illegals” are “swarming over the border” and “sanctuary cities” are “breeding crime.” The anti-immigrant forces never present evidence, for …

And They Ask Why Hondurans Flee Their Own Country…

March 2 marked the anniversary of Honduran activist Berta Cáceres’ assassination. The suspects appear to be linked to the country's corrupt and violent military, which is trained and funded by th…

Women the United States Is Detaining and Deporting

Horrific conditions in the Northern Triangle led to a major policy crisis for the Obama administration. A new wave of refugees could do the same for Trump. By Emily Gogolak, The Nation December 26, 2…
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