Showing posts with the label propaganda

XXI'st Century 'Book Burning': YouTube & Facebook Push Censorship on the New Media

In what feels like the 2018 version of “book burning” Facebook and YouTube push to censor the alternative (new) voice. Generally speaking the voice of the media has been finely tuned and constructed …

Pentagon Just Pledged Millions to Pay Media Companies to Wage a Massive Information War

The Pentagon will now be pumping millions of dollars to wage a preemptive information war against "propaganda" that may expose the crimes of the military-industrial complex. by Matt Agorist…

Second Florida Survivor Family Now Alleging CNN Scripted Narrative to Push Gun Ban

In their alleged attempt to control the narrative on the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida last week, CNN has been accused of scripting the very testimonies from survivors to propagate their agend…

Shooting Survivor Slams CNN for Giving Him Script — CNN Denies

( ANTIMEDIA ) — On Thursday, CNN denied claims from a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student who said the network expected him to ask scripted questions during a televised town hall meeting in …

Incredible Pandemic Hoax from the Ministry of Truth — Pushing Health Propaganda

I want to highlight two very brief excerpts from a British Medical Journal article (online, Sept. 3, 2009) by Peter Doshi. The title of the article is “ Calibrated response to emerging infections .” …

FISA Memo: Mother Jones, WashPost, NYT, CNN and Yahoo All Exposed As Deep State Propaganda Puppets

The most horrific political scandal in the history of our nation is breaking now. The FISA memo has been released. (FISA stands for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act). Read the full text of the s…

WikiLeaks Releases Proof of NY Times Colluding With Clinton’s State Dept to Deceive America

A New York Times reporter was exposed colluding with the U.S. State Department by providing a timetable of upcoming publications during Cablegate. by Jay Syrmopoulos WikiLeaks has released evidence w…

According to the Father of Propaganda an Invisible Government Controls Our Minds with a Thought Prison

“Who are the men who without our realizing it, give us our ideas, tell us whom to admire and whom to despise, what to believe about the ownership of public utilities, about the tariff, about the pric…

Father of Mainstream Media: Skull and Bones Member, Henry Luce

Henry Luce could be titled the “father of mainstream media.”  He was referred to as “the most influential private citizen in America of his day.” The person behind Life, Fortune, and Time magazines,…

Everything is Rigged: From Medicine to Politics to Finance — You Are Living in a Fabricated Fairy Tale

The temptation to think that what you are living may be a lie is too big to ignore. In fact, things should always be under close scrutiny of your intellect and reasoning capabilities instead of blind…

American Pravda, New York Times: Slanting the News and a Bizarre Comey Connection

Project Veritas' latest installment in the American Pravda series takes aim at The New York Times, the supposed "paper of record." In the first part of this series, Nicholas Dudich, Aud…

How the OSS helped John Ford win an Oscar - twice

John Ford already had multiple Academy Awards to his name when the United States entered World War II - three as Best Director for The Informer, Stagecoach, and The Grapes of Wrath. With the support …

Meet Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda

The CIA: 70 Years of Organized Crime

Lars Schall: 70 years ago, on September 18, 1947, the National Security Act created the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA. Douglas, you refer to the CIA as “the organized crime branch of the U.S. gove…

Is "American Made" CIA Propaganda?

Is American Made CIA Propaganda? from Tom Secker on Vimeo .

Exposed: Clinton Train Paid The Young Turks $20 Million

In this week’s episode of Newsbud’s Spiro Reports, Spiro investigates the deep state’s role in influencing the so-called alternative media. Recently the Young Turks secured an investment deal for $20…

Top 10 Pieces of Modern Day Propaganda

Propaganda in modern times has become both easier and harder to detect. It’s easier to detect in the sense that there are more places to get information and it’s easier to fact check the claims of th…

Documents expose how Hollywood promotes war on behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA

US military intelligence agencies have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows Tom Secker and Matthew Alford report on their astonishing findings from trawling through thousands of new US military…

6 Mega-Corporations Control 90% of the American TV and Radio Media Stations

Mainstream media in the US is consolidated to such a point there are now 6 gigantic corporations that control 90% of the American TV and radio media stations . The consumer is fed the illusion of cho…

Exposing the Top 10 Health Propaganda

Health propaganda is pervasive. There are many misconceptions, omissions, distortions and lies surrounding the issue of health and medicine.  Many are propagated by those who own Big Pharma (i.e. the…
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