Showing posts with the label privacy

NSA Backs Down on Major Surveillance Program That Captured Americans’ Communications Without a Warrant

THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY on Friday suddenly announced it is curtailing one of its major surveillance programs. Under pressure from the secret court that oversees its practices, the NSA said its “…

In Secret Court Hearing, Lawyer Objected to FBI Sifting Through NSA Data Like It Was Google

IN HER FIRST APPEARANCE representing the American public before the top-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2015, Amy Jeffress argued that the FBI is violating the Fourth Amendment by g…

Lawmakers Seek To Use DNA Of Relatives In Criminal Investigations

A vote on whether to approve a proposal that would allow familial DNA searching in certain criminal cases has been delayed by New York state’s Forensic Science Committee. The controversial proposal h…

Fears Google Hire could allow employers to see your entire search history

N THIS day and age, every boss is going to quickly Google a prospective employee before asking them to come in for an interview. But now the technology giant is working on project called Google Hire,…

Lawmakers Who Championed Repeal of Web Browsing Privacy Protections Raked in Telecom Campaign Cash

THE TWO LAWMAKERS most responsible for rolling back landmark internet browsing privacy protections were richly rewarded by telecommunication giants. Congress voted last month to repeal privacy rules …

Lawmakers scathing over FBI’s facial recognition database

Between civil and criminal mugshot photos, the State Department’s visa and passport databases, the Defense Department’s biometric database, and the drivers’ license databases of 18 states, nearly hal…

Senator Aims to End Phone Searches at Airports and Borders

More than a month after Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) requested information about US Customs and Border Protection's practice of searching cell phones at US borders and airports, he's still waiting…

The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs, and how much it cost to buy them

Republicans in Congress just voted to reverse a landmark FCC privacy rule that opens the door for ISPs to sell customer data. Lawmakers provided no credible reason for this being in the interest of A…

To Serve AT&T and Comcast, Congressional GOP Votes to Destroy Online Privacy

CLARIFYING EVENTS in politics are often healthy even when they produce awful outcomes. Such is the case with yesterday’s vote by House Republicans to free internet service providers (ISPs) – primaril…

Real-Time Face Recognition Threatens to Turn Cops’ Body Cameras Into Surveillance Machines

Taser, which leads the market for body cameras, recently acquired two startups that will allow it to run video analytics on the footage the cameras collect, and Taser’s CEO has repeatedly emphasized …

FBI Grilled On Extent Of Its Facial Recognition Program

The FBI took fire from privacy advocates and members of Congress Wednesday over how it characterizes its face recognition program, which has allowed agents to access and algorithmically match the pho…

FBI Used Best Buy's Geek Squad To Increase Secret Public Surveillance

Recently unsealed records reveal a much more extensive secret relationship than previously known between the FBI and Best Buy's Geek Squad, including evidence the agency trained company technicia…

The U.S. Government’s Privacy Watchdog Is Basically Dead, Emails Reveal

THERE’S A LITTLE-KNOWN federal agency whose job is to ensure U.S. spy agencies protect privacy and other civil liberties even as they work to defeat terrorists and criminals, and to blow the whistle …

Meet The 'Cowboys Of Creepware' -- Selling Government-Grade Surveillance To Spy On Your Spouse

In a 2015 Women’s Aid survey of 693 women, 29 per cent said they had spyware or GPS locators installed on their phones or computers by a partner or ex. In 2014, NPR surveyed 70 women’s shelters, find…

Retail store demands everyone submit to cop run facial recognition before gaining entry

A retail store in St. Louis called Motomart is demanding customers submit to having their faces scanned before they're allowed entry! Think about what that means, police are identifying every sin…

Now sites can fingerprint you online even when you use multiple browsers

Researchers have recently developed the first reliable technique for websites to track visitors even when they use two or more different browsers. This shatters a key defense against sites that ident…

Cellphone Spy Tools Have Flooded Local Police Departments

Hundreds of documents obtained by CityLab from the country’s top fifty largest police departments over the last ten months reveal that similar cellphone surveillance devices have been quietly acquire…

Court Puts Facebook Search Warrants Under Spotlight

During a probe of massive fraud in 9/11 benefits, Facebook took a stand for user privacy in objecting to bulk electronic search warrants, an attorney for the social-networking giant told New York’s …

Vizio Smart TVs Continuously Tracked Viewers Without Consent

Vizio, one of the world’s biggest makers of Smart TVs, is paying $2.2 million to settle charges that it collected viewing habits from 11 million devices without the knowledge or consent of the people…

US Judge Ordered Google to Hand Over Emails Stored On Foreign Servers to FBI

In this world of global mass surveillance by not the only US, but also intelligence agencies across the world, every other country wants tech companies including Google, Apple, and Microsoft to set-u…
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