Showing posts with the label photojournalism

For The First Time, Federal Court Explicitly Establishes Filming Police As A Right

There’s been an ongoing battle between police and the citizenry over who has the right to film in public. Disputes between police and the public have led to cameras being confiscated by police, and c…

Trump Protection 04

https://cryptome.org/2017-info/trump-protect/trump-protect-04.htm Previous: https://cryptome.org/2017-info/trump-protect/trump-protect-03.htm https://cryptome.org/2016-info/trump-protect/trump-protec…

Trump Protection 03

https://cryptome.org/2017-info/trump-protect/trump-protect-03.htm Previous: https://cryptome.org/2016-info/trump-protect/trump-protect-02.htm

52 Photos of World Trade Center 7 Collapse

Cryptome continues to upload NIST 9-11 photos. These photos show World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7), New York, NY, before and after its collapse on 11 September 2001. There has been considerable contro…

Cryptome Posting National Institute of Standards and Technology FOIA Release of 3,160 photos of the WTC Collapse Investigation

Cryptome has begun posting the NIST FOIA Release of 3,160 Electronic Records of the WTC Collapse Investigation. So far they have posted... 153 Photographs, 11 September 2001, by Detective Greg Sem…

153 NYPD WTC Collapse Photos 11 September 2001

From the National Institute of Standards and Technology FOIA Release of 3,160 Electronic Records of the WTC Collapse Investigation Via Cryptome »» wtc-nist-gjs.zip »»

World Trade Center 9/11 Photos: A Fresh But Painful Look at Sept. 11

The latest release follows Monday's publication of other newly released photos first obtained by ABC News from the federal agency investigating the buildings' collapse. Read full articl…

Dramatic images of World Trade Centre on 9/11 released for first time

These dramatic images were taken by police photographers in helicopters and it is the first time they have been seen, having been released under a Freedom of Information request made by America'…

9/11 - The Reality In Pictures


364 new photographs of the Pentagon on 9/11 released by the New World Order Report Archives

These exclusive pictures have never been available on the internet before. These photographs were taken by an anonymous source who came forward at the premiere of Loose Change: Final Cut in Denver…

Cryptome Eyeball Series

Cryptome Eyeball Series provides photographic documentation of sensitive sites which are customarily concealed from public view. Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibit…

Über-blogger Michael Yon dis-embedded by MOD

Greetings, The British Ministry of Defence canceled my embed after today's dispatch. Please Read "Bad Medicine" . Next Stop U.S. Forces. Read full article »»

FEMA Photographer Kurt Sonnenfeld - Complete WTC Photos

As official videographer for the U.S. government, Kurt Sonnenfeld was detailed to Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, where he spent one month filming 29 tapes: "What I saw at certain moments a…

New Ground Zero Photos from FEMA Photographer Kurt Sonnenfeld

FEMA photographer Kurt Sonnenfeld (recently interviewed by Voltairenet )has released a new set of World Trade Center disaster site images. Some were previously available, but the majority are new a…
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