Showing posts with the label outer space

Astronomers Have Discovered A Supernova That Occurred 10.5 Billion Years Ago, When The Universe Was Less Than A Quarter Of Its Present Age.

An extraordinarily powerful "hypernova" a whopping 10.5 billion light-years from Earth is the most distant star explosion ever observed, a new study reports. The Big Bang occurred about 13.…

Strange Signals Were Just Spotted Coming From A Distant Galaxy

An observatory in West Virginia picked up 15 bright radio pulses from a dwarf galaxy, 3 billion light years, earlier this year. The initial results, based on observations carried out by a team of ast…

Big Bang Theory Challenged - Universe Should Not Have Lasted For More Than A Second

Cosmologists from Britain are confused: they guess that the universe should not have lasted for more than a second. This surprising assumption is the outcome of merging the newest interpretations of …

Astronomers Have Just Made An Incredible Discovery In The Constellation Of Orion

Image: The Orion Nebula shines in this VLT Survey Telescope image.  ESO/G. Beccari A group of astronomers has just made an unexpected discovery within the constellation of Orion. “Checking out the da…

Gravity Is Driving Growth Of The Universe - Researchers Confirm Via 600,000 Galaxies

Almost 100 years since Albert Einstein established general relativity, the theory has delivered its hardest test yet in clarifying the properties of visible Universe. Contradicting fresh cosmological…
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