Showing posts with the label net neutrality

Something Horrifying Is About To Happen To The Internet - And You NEED To Pay Attention

The Republican head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, announced this week that the agency will seek to fully repeal Obama-era net neutrality rules. In a statement, he claimed …


If you care about open and fair internet access, you should be upset. The new FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, has promised to roll back net neutrality—a decisive step that rolls back the commendable actions …

Court: FCC has no power to regulate Net neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission does not have the legal authority to slap Net neutrality regulations on Internet providers, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday. A three-judge panel in Washing…

Cyberwar Hype Intended to Destroy the Open Internet

The biggest threat to the open internet is not Chinese government hackers or greedy anti-net-neutrality ISPs, it’s Michael McConnell, the former director of national intelligence. McConnell’s not da…

France Moves Closer to Unprecedented Internet Regulation

The Big Brother of Europe? The lower house of the French parliament has approved a draft bill that will allow the state unprecedented control over the Internet. Although the government says it w…

Death Of The Internet: Censorship Bills In UK, Australia, U.S. Aim To Block “Undesirable” Websites

Internet censorship bills currently working their way into law in the UK, Australia and the U.S. legislate for government powers to restrict and filter any website that it deems to be undesirable fo…

Security boss calls for end to net anonymity

Kaspersky's online police state The CEO of Russia's No. 1 anti-virus package has said that the internet's biggest security vulnerability is anonymity, calling for mandatory internet pa…

Cybersecurity: Obama’s Promise to Trash the Constitution

During a speech today on “cybersecurity,” Obama told a whopper. He said the government’s effort to protect us from cyber bad guys “will not include monitoring private sector networks or Internet tr…

Obama Says New Cyberczar Won’t Spy on the Net

Following months of rumors, President Barack Obama confirmed Friday that the White House will be creating a new office to be led by a cybersecurity czar. The office will be in charge of coordinatin…

Obama to tighten internet control…

NWO Observer:Obama to tighten internet control »»

Plan to monitor all internet use

Communications firms are being asked to record all internet contacts between people as part of a modernisation in UK police surveillance tactics. The home secretary scrapped plans for a database b…

Should Obama Control the Internet?

A new bill would give the President emergency authority to halt web traffic and access private data. Read full article »»
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