Showing posts with the label military-industrial complex

Chelsea Manning Is Expected to Leave Prison, 28 Years Early

Chelsea Manning is expected to walk freely out of the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., on Wednesday, bringing to a close one of the most extraordinary criminal cases in American history ove…

Chelsea Manning to be released from military prison this week

The equipment aboard an EP-3E electronic surveillance plane

Since the start of the Snowden-revelations in 2013, many people got the impression that the US National Security Agency (NSA) mainly intercepts the communications of ordinary citizens. In reality, th…

What Is America's Secret Space Shuttle For?

The X-37B mission is managed by the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, a unit inside the Air Force that specializes in developing aircraft technology. It grew out of a project at NASA in 1998 aimed…

Donald Trump May Escalate the Afghanistan War He Spent Years Calling a “Terrible Mistake”

THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION is reportedly weighing a proposal to send thousands of more troops to Afghanistan , an escalation of the longest war in U.S. history. This would be a significant about-face f…

Secret US Military Base Discovered In Libya

( ANTIWAR.COM ) The United States has been discovered to have established a military base in al-Wigh, an oasis in southernmost Libya, was Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documentation going back as…

Previously Unavailable Histories of NORAD

NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) is in charge of defending the airspace of North America (and Mexico), and for decades it carried out this mission from its legendary underground comm…

What is The Deep State?

US Army Exploring ‘Devastating’ New Weapon for Use In War with Russia

The Kinetic Energy Projectile would be a tungsten warhead that moves at three times the speed of sound, destroying anything in its path. Were the United States to go to war with Russia, both sides co…

Operation Gotham Shield: U.S. Gov’t To “Simulate Nuke Blast Over Manhattan” As Actual War Nears

In just a few days, during April 24-26th, Operation Gotham Shield will commence. It is a tabletop, joint agency exercise involving FEMA, Homeland Security and a myriad of law enforcement and militar…

Wikileaks: ‘Those Tunnels The U.S Is Bombing In Afghanistan? They Were Built By The CIA’

Those tunnels the U.S is bombing in Afghanistan? They were built by the CIA https://t.co/u66ScoiNpX (via @GabiElenaDohm ) pic.twitter.com/mAaUrQ0yLk — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 14, 2017 Wikileaks…

Trump Won't Be Cancelling World War 3 After All.. #StandDownMrTrump

Master of American Propaganda: How George Creel sold the Great War to America, and America to the world.

In 1917, on the brink of the U.S. entry into the Great War, a man named George Creel wrote a letter to President Woodrow Wilson. Creel was a journalist who had dabbled in politics, most notably as t…

Julian Assange: WikiLeaks has the same mission as The Post and the Times

On his last night in office, President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered a powerful farewell speech to the nation — words so important that he’d spent a year and a half preparing them. “Ike” famously wa…

Snowden Documents Reveal Scope of Secrets Exposed to China in 2001 Spy Plane Incident

For more than a decade, U.S. officials have refused to say what secrets China might have gleaned from the plane. Two years after the incident, journalists saw a redacted U.S. military report , which …

100 Years Ago Today: America Enters the Great War

A century ago today, the United States Congress, acting on the request of President Woodrow Wilson, declared war on Imperial Germany. Four days before, on the evening of April 2, the president addres…

Statement by Trump on US Military Strike against Syria

US military strike under way in Syria after gas attack in Idlib appears to have changed Donald Trump’s view on Bashar al-Assad

News is breaking that the US has launched missile strikes against Syria. NBC News reports that strikes were launched on al-Shayrat airfield, a Syrian military site close to Homs. Reports from NBC and…

U.S. Launches Missiles at Syrian Base After Chemical Weapons Attack

The United States launched dozens of cruise missiles Thursday night at a Syrian airfield in response to what it believes was Syria's use of banned chemical weapons that killed at least 100 people…

The Path to Total Dictatorship: America’s Shadow Government & Its Silent Coup

Say hello to America’s shadow government: a corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country. Th…
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