Showing posts with the label data mining

The FBI Is Building A National Watchlist That Gives Companies Real Time Updates on Employees

THE FBI’S RAP BACK program is quietly transforming the way employers conduct background checks. While routine background checks provide employers with a one-time “snapshot” of their employee’s past c…

CALEA and the Stellar Wind

This week on The Corbett Report we present a special audio and video edition of the podcast/vodcast. This week we delve into the true history of the illegal NSA wiretap program and how it connects to…

Census time heightens privacy concerns

Two new concerns have arisen since the census of 2000, which prompted then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, a Republican, to suggest that Americans might want to skip questions they thought were pr…

Census: A Little Too Personal

by Ron Paul The Census Bureau claims that collected information is not shared with any federal agency; but rather is kept under lock and key for 72 years. It also claims that no information provided…

In Bid to Sway Sales, Cameras Track Shoppers

Many stores and the consultants they hire are using the gear not to catch shoplifters but to analyze and to manipulate consumer behavior. And while taping shoppers is legal, critics say it is unethic…

Data mining project benefits investigators, scares privacy experts

Called a "mad scientist'' by one employee, Asher has made a fortune collecting public records — deeds, lawsuits, voter registrations — and combining them into databases that can be inv…

Big Brother is coming: NSA's $1.9 billion cyber spy center a power grab

Nearly a decade into the new millennium, America's spy agency is power gridlocked at its sprawling Fort Meade, Md., headquarters. The NSA, which devours electricity the same way teenage boys wo…

National Security Agency's Surveillance Data Could Fill Two States by 2015

We always knew that the National Security Agency collects a lot of surveillance data from satellites and by other means, but we never quite imagined it was this much: the NSA estimates it will have…

What will talking power meters say about you?

Would you sign up for a discount with your power company in exchange for surrendering control of your thermostat? What if it means that, one day, your auto insurance company will know that you reg…

Medical Records: Stored in the Cloud, Sold on the Open Market

When patients visit a physician or hospital, they know that anyone involved in providing their health care can lawfully see their medical records. But unknown to patients, an increasing number of o…

FBI’s Data-Mining System Sifts Airline, Hotel, Car-Rental Records

A fast-growing FBI data-mining system billed as a tool for hunting terrorists is being used in hacker and domestic criminal investigations, and now contains tens of thousands of records from privat…
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