Showing posts with the label covert ops

Are Presidents Afraid of the CIA?

By Ray McGovern President Obama stands in the tradition of a dozen American presidents. Harry Truman and John Kennedy were the only ones to take on the CIA directly. Worst of all, evidence continu…

Break the CIA in Two

By Ray McGovern The term “covert action” is a euphemism covering the broad genus of dirty tricks, from overthrowing governments (we now blithely call that particular species “regime change”) to …

9/11 Drug Pilot & Operation Blue Lightning

The DEA carried out no investigation into two American-registered planes busted in Mexico’s Yucatan carrying more than ten tons of cocaine. The reason, a top DEA official in Miami told us, was that…

Kennedy Considered Supporting Coup in South Vietnam, August 1963

Newly Declassified Audio Tapes Reveal JFK Saw Only Negative Choices At a critical moment in August 1963, President John F. Kennedy saw only negative choices on Vietnam, according to new audio reco…

Blackwater Guards Tied to Secret Raids by the C.I.A.

Private security guards from Blackwater Worldwide participated in some of the C.I.A.’s most sensitive activities — clandestine raids with agency officers against people suspected of being insurgent…

Is Erik Prince 'Graymailing' the US Government?

By Jeremy Scahill The in-depth Vanity Fair profile of the infamous owner of Blackwater, Erik Prince, is remarkable on many levels--not least among them that Prince appeared to give the story's …

Blackwater’s Erik Prince to step down, reveals CIA role

Tycoon, Contractor, Soldier, Spy By Adam Ciralsky But the truth about Prince may be orders of magnitude stranger than fiction. For the past six years, he appears to have led an astonishing double …

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters

Review of James Douglass' Book by Edward Curtin Douglass presents a formidable amount of evidence, some old and some new, against the CIA and covert action agencies within the national securit…

Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan

By Jeremy Scahill At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at …

The Real Intelligence Wars: Oversight And Access

For months, the CIA director, Leon Panetta, and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Adm. Dennis Blair (ret.), fought an intense and acrimonious turf battle over covert action oversight and…


U.S. backed-drug gangs fight Taliban’s traffickers in endless turf battle by Joe Lauria The revelation that Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s brother Wali is on the Central Intelligence Agency payro…

Major Hasan Of Fort Hood: A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live?

Webster G. Tarpley The media narrative which is now being consolidated a week after the shootings is full of contradictions, embarrassed silences, and absurdities. A third and distinct approach to…

Obama, Afghanistan and Marijuana

This article guides the reader to resources on the Afghan conflict that CNN, FOX etc. aren't telling the "sheep" (e.g. the American People). It argues for immediate withdrawal and exp…

Top 10 Weirdest CIA Programs

Over the years, the American Central Intelligence Agency has gained a reputation for being the most far-reaching, sophisticated, and effective government intelligence agency on the planet. At the s…


What are the risks of the C.I.A.'s covert drone program? The U.S. government runs two drone programs. The military's version, which is publicly acknowledged, operates in the recognized war …

The Dark Geography of the Pentagon's Secret World

Trevor Paglen set out to map the darkest corners of the U. S. national security apparatus. He’s done that and more. The result is a fascinating, deeply troubling, and absolutely essential book. R…

Confessions of a drug smuggling CIA hit man

Sept 24, 2009 by Daniel Hopsicker Just as he said he would, Ruth got rich after returning from Cuba, where a report from the Sheriff of Sarasota County to the Tampa office of the FBI said he too…

The Deep history of the Venice Municipal Airport

Sept 21, 2009 by Daniel Hopsicker Eight years after terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta practiced ‘touch & go’s’ off the runway at the Venice Municipal Airport, the men he did business with ther…

Big Safari, the Kennedy Assassination, & the war for control of the Venice Airport

Sept 08, 2009 by Daniel Hopsicker A fierce war being waged for control of the Venice Municipal Airport has led to the discovery of covert CIA and military operations, dating back to at least 1959,…

CIA asks Justice to probe leaks of secrets

Besieged by leaks of several closely held secrets, the CIA has asked the Justice Department to examine what it regards as the criminal disclosure of a secret program to kill foreign terrorist leade…
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