Showing posts with the label biowar

Arms expert warns new mind drugs eyed by military

A leading expert on chemical and biological arms control called Wednesday for urgent efforts to stop new mind-altering drugs developed for medical purposes from being adopted by the military for us…

Biological Warfare and the National Security State: A Chronology

The history of bioweapons research in the United States is a history of illicit--and illegal--human experiments. From the Cold War to the War on Terror, successive American administrations have tur…

Bringing the (Bio) War Home

Bioweapons research, secrecy and contamination go hand in hand. Despite soothing bromides from defense corporations, the military, the scientific community and the politicians who do their bidding,…

Biowarfare Research: Lifting the Lid on America's "28 Days Later"

The sixth anniversary of the murder of British bioweapons expert Dr. David Kelly on July 17, 2003, lifted the lid on more than government lies that smoothed the way for the illegal invasion and occ…

Politicians on all sides unite in demand for David Kelly inquest

MPS and peers from all three main parties called for a new investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly yesterday. Labour peer Lord Berkeley and senior Tory Patrick Mercer demanded a formal inqu…

Doctors demand inquest into death of Dr David Kelly

A group of 13 doctors who believe that Dr David Kelly, the Government scientist, did not commit suicide, but was murdered, are launching a legal campaign to demand an inquest. Dr Kelly died shortly…

Did MI5 kill Dr David Kelly?

Just another crazy conspiracy theory? But, amid claims he wrote tell-all book that vanished after his death, it's one that refuses to go away By Sue Reid The day Dr David Kelly took a short wa…

Was Dr. David Kelly a Target of Dick Cheney's "Executive Assassination Ring"?

The question is, did David Kelly threaten to reveal these "closely guarded secrets" in the book he was preparing, and was this a motive for certain "dark actors" to eliminate a …

Anthrax War

Last month, Canada's CBC network broadcast "Anthrax War", and this has now been posted by YouTube user TheParadigmShift, a member of WAC Vancouver. Read full article »» An invest…

Homeland Security Orders Mandatory Quarantines - A Pretext For FEMA Camps

U.S. Department of Homeland Security has warned healthcare providers that BATF, FBI, and U.S. Marshals will be called to impose mandatory quarantines in the event of a pandemic swine flu outbreak. …

Weaponizing Deadly Viruses: Historical Precedents

Many people react with incredulity when the assertion is made that the so-called swine flu outbreak in Mexico may be manufactured crisis. And yet history is replete with examples of government usin…

Swine Flu Special:Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

Appearing in the latter half of the show, Alex Jones and Stephen Quayle both agreed the new swine virus was not natural. It's a "genetically altered bioweapon," possibly being "b…

Swine Flu and the Satanic Agenda

The Alex Jones Show 4-27-09 With Steve Quayle.

New swine flu feared to be weaponized strain

By Wayne Madsen According to two mainstream media journalists, one in Mexico City and the other in Jakarta, who spoke to WMR on background, they are convinced that the current outbreak of a new str…

Swine Flu Attack Likely A Beta Test

The latest bioterrorism attack by the New World Order is likely a beta test. Yes, it is a bioterrorism attack. It was a hybrid strain created from human, swine, and bird flu from North America, Eur…

Mexican Swine Flu - An Advanced Biowar Event

This new flu is likely a lab-created, genetically engineered virus that either: (1) Escaped accidentally from a lab; or (2) was deliberately released by a nation or non-state organization or a well…
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