Showing posts with the label Westall

Come Clean On UFO Cover-Up!

An American documentary maker has urged Australian authorities to lift the lid on one of the nation's most baffling UFO reports. By Heraldsun.com 9-21-17 James Fox said the sighting a…

The Westall 'UFO' Incident 50th Anniversary; Witnesses Speak Out | VIDEO

The Westall UFO Incident occurred in a suburb of Melbourne in 1966 and is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. It’s one of the best documented and corroborated UFO cases in Australia wi…

Flying Saucer Mystery: School Went Silent | UFO CHRONICLE – 1966

By The Dandenong Journal 4-14-1966 See Also: Westall '66: A Suburban UFO Mystery | VIDEO Has The Westall UFO Incident Been Solved? 'Westall UFO Incident' Reinvestigated UFO Witnesses Re…
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