Showing posts with the label USA

The American Working Man Still Isn’t Working

Source Link By Jason Furman The United States is in the midst of its longest-ever economic recovery. It has been a slow climb out of the depths of the 2008–9 financial crisis, but the upward trend is…

A Persistent Crisis in Central America

Source Link Violence and corruption in Central America, particularly in the Northern Triangle countries, is causing a wave of outward migration. The Trump administration's response to the problem…

The Enduring American Presence in the Middle East

By Daniel Benaim And Michael Wahid Hanna  Source Link Judging by the headlines, the last two years of U.S. Middle East policy seem to be marked by a whiplash-inducing series of radical shifts. U.S. P…

How Fishing Boats Have Become Warships

Source Link by Markos Kounalakis Deep-sea fishing charters are a staple of most American coastal marinas—from Miami to the San Francisco Bay. Boats loaded with fuel and fun rock their way out on gent…

Mueller’s Done. Now Can the U.S. Figure Out How to Deal With Russia?

Judah Grunstein Source Link The vaudeville and at times burlesque spectacle that has dominated U.S. politics for over two years now reached a pivotal climax last week, when special counsel Robert Mue…

Superpower Constrained

By Jack Thompson Source Link Jack Thompson contends that the US’ longstanding role of international leadership is under threat. Washington is struggling to manage external challenges —including great…

Yes, the U.S. Could Be Drawn Into Yet Another Big War

By  Michael J. Mazarr Source Link Sixteen years ago this week, the George W. Bush administration sent U.S. forces crashing into Iraq without a real plan for what to do after defeating Saddam Hussein.…
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