Showing posts with the label UFO Cover-Up

Come Clean On UFO Cover-Up!

An American documentary maker has urged Australian authorities to lift the lid on one of the nation's most baffling UFO reports. By 9-21-17 James Fox said the sighting a…

U.S. Air Force 'UFO Cover-Up' Revealed

Capt. David D. Schindele was a Minuteman I intercontinental ballistic missile launch crew commander in the Minot Air Force Base missile field when By 6-16-17 he exp…

The UFO Cover Up and Manipulation of The American Media

The American media is a master at deception      ...The manipulation of American media did not start with the UFO arrival. Its foundation was laid not by the Americans, but by the British who were m…

Is There a UFO Cover-up? A Government Insider Speaks Out

About six months ago, our board at UFODATA was privileged to welcome Christopher Mellon as the newest member of our team. Chris spent nearly 20 years in the federal government serving in vari…
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