Showing posts with the label Time

"Time is Slowly Disappearing from Our Universe" (Or, is It Timeless?)

What if the time part of the space- time continuum equation was literally running out? Perhaps evidence suggests that time is slowly disappearing from our universe, and will one day vanish completely…

Scientists Now Able to Measure Electrons on the Attosecond Scale

Using a new laser technology, physicists have been able to produce “attosecond” light pulses with high-intensity and high-energy photons. This detection is the first time scientists have observed suc…

How Much Do You Know About Fourth-Dimension?

Here is an awesome and splendid explanation of 4th dimension in a 3 dimensional space and with a 2 dimensional computer display. It’s a quite dimensional Explanation! An object that actually exists f…

Time Is NOT Real: Physicists Show EVERYTHING Happens At The Same Time

TIME is not real – it is a human construct to help us differentiate between now and our perception of the past, an equally astonishing and baffling theory states. The concept of time is simply an ill…

Time Is NOT Real: Physicists Show EVERYTHING Happens At The Same Time

TIME is not real – it is a human construct to help us differentiate between now and our perception of the past, an equally astonishing and baffling theory states. The concept of time is simply an ill…

Here Are 10 Facts about Space and Time That Everyone Should Know About

1) Time passes more slowly in the orbit around earth than on the surface of the earth. This means that returning astronauts from space arrive home slightly younger. 2) The universe has been expanding…

Here Are 10 Facts about Space and Time That Everyone Should Know About

1) Time passes more slowly in the orbit around earth than on the surface of the earth. This means that returning astronauts from space arrive home slightly younger. 2) The universe has been expanding…

Physicists Demonstrate How to Reverse of the Arrow of Time

While we all take for granted the fact that time’s arrow forever points towards the future, physicists have always had trouble showing  why this is necessarily the case . A mix of chloroform and acet…

Universal Time May Not Be Universal At All

Here you sit, reading this article, when suddenly you hear a jet engine from an overhead plane. Aboard this plane, someone else is reading this article. Curiously, you two are not reading it in a rel…

Physicists Examine The Structure Of Time: Reality Could Be An Illusion & ‘Time’ Might Not Exist

Time: it’s no doubt a confusing topic, and it gets even more confusing the more we try to unearth its secrets. Physicists have been examining the workings of time for decades, and the results publish…

STEPHEN HAWKING: How To Build A Time Machine

All you need is a wormhole, the Large Hadron Collider or a relatively big rocket that goes really, really fast. Hello. My name is Stephen Hawking. Physicist, cosmologist and something of a dreamer. A…
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