Showing posts with the label The Lost Symbol

Ron Howard Won't Be Directing 'The Lost Symbol'

Nikki Finke at Deadline: Hollywood is reporting that Ron Howard will not be directing Sony Pictures' big budget version of Dan Brown's novel, The Lost Symbol , after all: "EXCLUSIVE: Ro…

Dan Brown's Freemason Novel Sets Paperback Record in UK

According to , last week's release of the UK paperback edition of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol sold a massive 118,230 copies in just three days—the biggest ever first-week s…

Dan Brown's Lost Symbol Paperback Released Today In U.K.

Dan Brown's novel, The Lost Symbol , has been released in the U.K. today in paperback. Anchor Books will not release the U.S. paperback edition until October 19th, with 4 million copies, priced a…

Lost Symbol and Freemasonry Website Launched

The Masonic Society , the Masonic Service Association of North America , and the George Washington Masonic Memorial have collaborated on a new website that will address the references to Freemasonry…

Get Ready For the Dan Brown Effect

It’s official. The Dan Brown Effect is rushing headlong at the Masonic fraternity like an angry lodge goat and will be upon us on September 15th. That’s the day 6.5 million copies of Brown’s sequel t…

Solomon's Builders

Get a jump on the history behind Dan Brown's upcoming book, "The Lost Symbol." "Solomon's Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington D.C." by Ch…

Decoding "The Lost Symbol"

In the mania to swab up every morsel of information about Dan Brown's forthcoming "The Lost Symbol," readers everywhere are attempting to decipher every press release, cover art, and Tw…

Freemasons, Washington and Dan Brown's "Lost Symbol"

If there was any question before, there isn't any more. The cover of Dan Brown's new novel, The Lost Symbol , has been released. The US version shows the Capitol, placing the story in Washing…
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