Showing posts with the label Tech

Smartphones have you pegged, and for better or worse they’ll soon ID you

The things that make human beings unique – fingerprints, irises, facial features – have become the preferred way to sign onto banking accounts online or other sensitive websites, the newest solution …

Trump's "beautiful" Oval Office phones and what was changed on them

As we can see in this picture, there are the following telephone sets on the president's desk in the Oval Office: - On the left: a new Cisco 8841 IP phone, which is part of the internal White Hou…

Meet The 'Cowboys Of Creepware' -- Selling Government-Grade Surveillance To Spy On Your Spouse

In a 2015 Women’s Aid survey of 693 women, 29 per cent said they had spyware or GPS locators installed on their phones or computers by a partner or ex. In 2014, NPR surveyed 70 women’s shelters, find…

How Peter Thiel’s Palantir Helped the NSA Spy on the Whole World

Palantir has never masked its ambitions, in particular the desire to sell its services to the U.S. government — the CIA itself was an early investor in the startup through In-Q-Tel, the agency’s vent…

Now sites can fingerprint you online even when you use multiple browsers

Researchers have recently developed the first reliable technique for websites to track visitors even when they use two or more different browsers. This shatters a key defense against sites that ident…

Vizio Smart TVs Continuously Tracked Viewers Without Consent

Vizio, one of the world’s biggest makers of Smart TVs, is paying $2.2 million to settle charges that it collected viewing habits from 11 million devices without the knowledge or consent of the people…

Police Could Get Your Location Data Without a Warrant. That Has to End

THE MORE WE rely on technology, the more detailed a technological footprint we leave behind. A recent study from Deloitte shows that, on average, American millennials check their phones roughly 82 ti…

'Star Trek' Tech Here and Now

Tweet      From phasers to communicators, the science of "Star Trek" seemed so incredibly futuristic when the first show aired 50 years ago, on Sept. 8, 1966. But as a new Smithsonian Cha…

Cyberwar Hype Intended to Destroy the Open Internet

The biggest threat to the open internet is not Chinese government hackers or greedy anti-net-neutrality ISPs, it’s Michael McConnell, the former director of national intelligence. McConnell’s not da…
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