Showing posts with the label Syria

Turkey: Preparations 'complete' for Syria military action

Source Link Preparations for a major military operation in northeast Syria are complete, Turkey announced on Tuesday after the United States pulled back troops and cleared the way for a Turkish att…

The Syrian Conflict Is About to Intensify

By Steven A. Cook Source Link President Donald J. Trump’s announcement of a troop withdrawal in northern Syria ahead of a Turkish invasion could revive the Islamic State and the Syrian civil war, and…

The United States in Syria: Why it still matters

by Frederic C. Hof Source Link Ambassador and Distinguished Senior Fellow Frederic C. Hof’s analysis and insightful commentary regarding the current US-Syria Policy as it stands today along with his …

The Implications of a Turkish Intervention in Northeastern Syria

Source Link Late on October 6, President Donald Trump spoke to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and said he would no longer oppose a Turkish military incursion into northeastern Syria against…
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