Showing posts with the label Symbolism

Words & Reverse Occult Symbolism

Articulating something doesn't merely mean naming known conditions: Words, when utilized inventively, can bring something new into reality and being.  For instance, human rights were made al…

Lore of the Ring

When researching Freemasons For Dummies , I came across the urban legend that there are no 33rd degree rings in pawn shops because 33rd degree Masons dabble in witchcraft and are immolated in the pra…

"Masonic" Symbolism and the F.O.P.?

In the United States we are fortunate that lurid allegations concerning Freemasonry and law enforcement are rare. In other countries, especially across Great Britain, press accounts are more common t…

WEOFM: "Veiled in Allegory & Illustrated in Symbols" by Chris McClintock

The 16th video presentation from the Worldwide Exemplification of Freemasonry is now available. This week's program is "Veiled in Allegory & Illustrated in Symbols" by Chris McClin…

More Masonic Map Gazing

With Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol being set in Washington DC and involving the Freemasons, undoubtedly we're in for more of the same, tired accusations about Masonic symbols in the streets of…
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