Showing posts with the label Survey

New study of Utah's use of the death penalty suggests life without parole costs less, prompts another call to abolish capital punishment

Support for Death Penalty at Record Levels Among Brazilians, Poll Finds

Will 2018 Be The Year The Death Penalty Dies - Again?

Texas sends just 4 killers to death row as Texans lose taste for eye-for-an-eye justice

Number of inmates awaiting death penalty in Japan at end of 2017 expected to be 123

Texas: For first time in more than 30 years, no Harris County death row inmates executed

University of Nebraska professors investigate support of death penalty

One in Five Indonesian Students Supports Islamic Caliphate: Survey

Gallup Poll: The death penalty question they never ask

ILGA 2017 Report: A Quarter Of The World’s Population Thinks Gay People Should Be In Prison

8 years since last Thai execution, future of death penalty uncertain

Police claims there are up to 1.2 million drug users in Jakarta

UFO Data Reveals Unexplained Alien Sightings | VIDEO

A pair of orange fireballs streaking across the dark horizon. A mysterious object crashing into Lake Winnipeg. A nighttime visit from a “being with blonde hair and blue skin.” These are among 1…

Quebec Leads The Country in UFO Sightings | CANADA

WINNIPEG - The 2015 Canadian UFO Survey says Quebec leads the country when it comes to sightings of unidentified flying objects. The annual survey by Winnipeg-based Ufology Research was release…
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