Showing posts with the label SuperNova

Astronomers Have Discovered A Supernova That Occurred 10.5 Billion Years Ago, When The Universe Was Less Than A Quarter Of Its Present Age.

An extraordinarily powerful "hypernova" a whopping 10.5 billion light-years from Earth is the most distant star explosion ever observed, a new study reports. The Big Bang occurred about 13.…

Amateur Astronomer Witnesses Something Scientists Have Been Waiting Decades For

Victor Buso is a locksmith. He spends his days fiddling with locks and keys, and in his spare time he stares into the heavens in the observatory he built on the top floor of his own home. He’s devote…

NASA Released An Incredible New Video Of A Star That Exploded With The Energy Of 100 Million Suns

On February 24, 1987, something unusual happened as astronomers Oscar Dhalde and Ian Shelton observed an unbelievable picture sitting on the top of a Chilean mountain: a new star in the night sky. Th…

"A First!" -- Astronomers Observe A Supernova Collapse In Real Time

"We still don't really understand the process by which a star explodes as a supernova," says Ofer Yaron, with the Weizmann Institute's Particle Physics and Astrophysics team, "…

These Are Real Images of a Star Going Supernova

Our ability to view and image the universe has  improved drastically within recent decades .  The Hubble Space Telescope  opened a window to the universe that has allowed us to expand our knowledge o…

Astronomers are Baffled by a ‘Zombie Star’ That Keeps Exploding But Won’t Die

Usually when a star goes supernova, that's it. It's dead, kaput, RIP. But a new discovery could change how we view star deaths. Astronomers have found a star that went supernova, managed to p…

600 Years Ago Korean Royal Astronomers Witnessed Something Unprecedented In the Sky

600 years after Royal Imperial Korean astronomers witnessed an incredible astronomical event, experts have managed to track down a mysterious star explosion that was visible for 14 days before fading…

Astronomers Catch An Exploding Star Just Hours After It Went Supernova

Thanks to an automated network of telescopes, astronomers were able to catch a supernova almost as it exploded, making this the first time we have been able to conduct such a detailed observation cam…

Universe’s Biggest Explosion Second Only to Big Bang Captured 10 BILLION LIGHT YEARS Away

It was so bright it could have been seen "with a pair of binoculars" - despite happening TEN BILLION light years from Earth, according to the team.  It provides the clearest picture yet of …

Astronomers Have Detected a Supernova Brighter than the Milky Way 10 Billion Light Years Away

A massive star 10 billion light-years from Earth exploded in a supernova and its brightness was more than three times that of all the 100 billion stars of the Milky Way galaxy put together. Detailed …

For the First Time Ever! Astronomers Observe a Supernova Collapse in Real Time

In the most common type of supernova, the iron core of a massive star suddenly collapses in on itself and the outer layers are thrown out into space in a spectacular explosion.  New research led by W…
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