Showing posts with the label Stars

Astronomers Detect Another Earth-Sized Alien World Orbiting Proxima Centauri

The new planet dubbed Proxima C orbits Proxima Centauri, a star system located some 4 light years from Earth. You may remember the Proxima Centauri system from 2016 when astronomers discovered a plan…

This 9-Gigapixel Image—With 84 MILLION Stars—Of The Milky Way Will Give You Goosebumps

Have you ever seen a 9-gigapixel map of the Milky Way Galaxy? The jaw-dropping image contains around 84 million stars and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The original image has 24.6 gigabytes. H…

SHOCK ALERT: Hole Found In Earth's Magnetic Field - Humanity At Risk Of Cosmic Radiation

A HUGE hole has been detected in the Earth’s magnetic shield, leaving millions of human beings vulnerable to deadly cosmic radiation, scientists have warned. From analyzing data from the GRAPES-3 muo…

Another Earth Found Just 11 Light Years Could Be Galaxy's 'Best Bet For Alien Life'

A new Earth-sized planet located only 11 light years away from our Solar System has just been detected by astronomers at the Earth Science Observatory or ESO. The newly discovered exoplanet, which h…

Astronomers Have Caught A Massive Black Hole Devouring A Star Whole Before 'Burping' Plasma At The Speed Of Light

Black holes are always hungry and apparently don’t care about good manners. Black holes destroy everything that comes in their path. A team of astronomers have spotted a massive black hole swallowing…

Kepler-452b 'Earth's Bigger, Older Cousin'

NASA said that its Kepler spacecraft has spotted "Earth's bigger, older cousin": the first nearly Earth-size planet to be found in the habitable zone of a star similar to our own. Thoug…

WATCH: STUNNING Star Explosion Viewed For First Time

ASTRONOMERS have managed to watch a star exploding and seen its resulting shockwaves for the first time ever. Scientists using NASA’s Hubble telescope spotted the supernova purely by “luck” when they…

Breakthrough In The Search For Aliens, Scientists Find Alpha Centauri Is Home To Many Mini-Earth’s

According to a new scientific study, one of our solar system’s nearest cosmic neighbors, Alpha Centauri is home to a great number of mini-Earth’s, while it lacks the existence of Giant planets. “The …

A Nearby Neutron Star Collision Could Cause Calamity on Earth

A long time ago in a galaxy far away two neutron stars collided and created a spectacular light show shown above known as a “kilonova,” a hot, dense expanding cloud of debris that shook the universe,…

France is Launching a Mini Satellite to Probe a Mysterious Planet System in Our Milky Way

France is set to launch a champagne box-sized mini satellite into Earth orbit on Friday to study a mysterious, juvenile planet system in our Milky Way galaxy, mission controllers said. The PicSat orb…

The Mysterious Star That Appears To Be Older Than The Universe

The oldest known star seems to be older than the universe itself, but a fresh study is facilitating to clear up this apparent enigma. Earlier study had projected that the Milky Way galaxy's so-ca…

Massive Star Discovery Could Rewrite Astrophysics

Massive stars many times larger than the sun are even bigger, and far more common, than previously believed. New research published in  Science  has shown these “cosmic engines” could reach 200 to 30…

Amazing Video Shows Size of Largest Galaxy in the Known Universe

The biggest galaxy in the known universe is basically staggering in size. But in order to understand its scale, you need to comprehend a little something about our own galaxy. For starters, the Milky…

7 Alien 'Earths' May Be Swapping Life via Meteorites

Tiny life-forms can move easily between these recently described planets, according to a study of the travel times between worlds. The discovery of alien life would be revolutionary. But what if we u…

This Star is Planning a Visit to Our Solar System

We spend a lot of time worrying about asteroids, but what about another star? Well, in around 1.35 million years, we'll find out. Scientists have been plotting the course of a star, Gliese 710, w…

Here Is What Existed Before The Big Bang

It has been asked frequently -- how come only the past is present in our memories and not the future? Why time travel is not an actuality and the process of aging is irreversible? Why is entropy a de…

In 1.3 Million Years, Our Solar System Will Briefly Contain Two Stars

The Sun is used to having plenty of personal space, given that its nearest stellar neighbor, the Alpha Centauri system, is located about four light years away. While that's not very distant in co…
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