Showing posts with the label Speed of Light

Chinese Researchers Have Achieved The Impossible: They Have Actually Created An EM Drive

The bells of joyful news have begun ringing-- after quite the hiatus, the EM drive has returned! Researchers from China’s space agency have released a video through state media in which they show wh…

NASA Admits Alcubierre Drive Initiative: Faster Than The Speed Of Light

NASA is currently working on the first practical field test toward the possibility of faster than light travel. Traveling faster than light has always been attributed to science fiction, but that all…

Space Travel Faster Than The Speed Of Light. But How?

Light speed is frequently spoken of as a universal speed limit … but not everything plays by these rules. In reality, space itself can expand quicker than a photon could ever think to travel. Cosmolo…

Would Headlights Work At Light Speed?

If you were driving at the speed of light and turned on your headlights, what would happen? Watch and learn in the video below:

Meet the Camera That Captures Over a Trillion Frames a Second

Lovers of slow motion video may have been impressed by the time-bending antics of video producers like  The Slow Mo Guys   or even tried slow motion recording themselves using a consumer-grade high-s…

Weird Energy Beam Seems to Travel Five Times the Speed of Light

Please welcome to the stage a master illusionist. An energy beam that stabs out of galaxy M87 like a toothpick in a cocktail olive is pulling off the ultimate magic trick: seeming to move  faster tha…

Traveling Faster Than Light? Four Phenomena That Put the Cosmic Speed Limit to the Test

The speed of light is widely known to be the absolute pinnacle of movement. When Albert Einstein first entwined mass and energy in his Theory of Relativity, it basically established the Universe’s sp…
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