Showing posts with the label South East Asia

Are Indonesia and Malaysia Ready to Stand up for China’s Muslims?

Source Link By Nithin Coca By now, the scale of the crisis is clear. There are up to 3 million Turkic Muslims – primarily Uyghurs but also ethnic Kazakhs and Kyrgyz – in a vast network of concentrat…


Source Link ROLAND RAJAH Heightened global trade tensions and the US desire to ‘decouple’ from the Chinese economy for national security reasons pose significant risks to East Asia’s export-driven gr…

Why the Quad Won’t Ever Be an Asian NATO

Source Link By Andrew O'Neil & Lucy West The most recent meeting of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit in Singapore last November suggests that the U…

Indonesia Takes a Page Out of China’s Playbook to Cement Control Over West Papua

Source Link Nithin Coca   Earlier this month, the Indonesian military raided and destroyed the offices of the West Papuan National Committee, a separatist group in the country’s easternmost region, …

Humans thrived in South Africa through the Toba super-volcanic eruption ~74,000 years ago

Imagine a year in Africa that summer never arrives. The sky takes on a gray hue during the day and glows red at night. Flowers do not bloom. Trees die in the winter. Large mammals like antelope becom…

Research reveals genetic timeline of early Pacific settlers

Researchers from The Australian National University (ANU) have helped put together the most comprehensive study ever conducted into the origins of people in Vanuatu -- regarded as a geographic gatewa…

Unknown language discovered in Southeast Asia

A previously unknown language has been found in the Malay Peninsula by linguists from Lund University in Sweden. The language has been given the name Jedek. Jedek is an Austroasiatic language spoken …

Ancient cow statue found in Java

Residents of Siwal village in Sukoharjo regency, Central Java, found a headless cow statue on Monday presumed to date back to the ancient Mataram era. Officials from the Sukoharjo Culture and Tourism…

Study shows treeshrews break evolutionary 'rules'

A new study has exposed the common treeshrew, a small and skittish mammal that inhabits the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, as an ecogeographical rule breaker. Credit: Univer…

Indonesian island found to be unusually rich in cave paintings

A tiny Indonesian island, previously unexplored by archaeologists, has been found to be unusually rich in ancient cave paintings following a study by researchers from The Australian National Universi…

Sumatran rhinos never recovered from losses during the Pleistocene, genome evidence shows

The Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is one of the most threatened mammals on earth. By 2011, only about 200 of the rhinos were thought to remain living in the wild. Now, an internation…

Archaeologist finds world's oldest funereal fish hooks

An archaeologist from The Australian National University (ANU) has uncovered the world's oldest known fish-hooks placed in a burial ritual, found on Indonesia's Alor Island, northwest of East…
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