Showing posts with the label Solar System

A Crucial Sign of Life Has Been Detected Fluctuating on Mars

As we continue learning more about Mars, many find themselves very disappointed that we haven't spotted any bug-eyed green aliens living on the planet's surface yet. From the very looks of th…

Bright Spots on Ceres May Be Evidence of Aliens, Says NASA

Active worlds can turn up in unexpected places. For proof, look no further than the mysterious dwarf planet Ceres.   NASA's Dawn spacecraft has been exploring Ceres, the largest object in the ast…

Wait, Pluto Might Be A Planet Again!

The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, a few days ago, decided to once again solve the problem of "what actually is a planet?" The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics held…

Astronomer Have Discovered ‘Surprise’ Pulsar, ‘Most Important Planet Ever’ At The Edge Of Our Solar System

Just few days ago  astronomers claimed to have to discover a Pulsar , PSR J0540-6919, which lies outside the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud nearly 163,000 light-years away. Pulsars ar…

It Would Take You 19 Million Years To Complete The Journey To The Edge Of The Solar System

For most of us, stuck here on Earth, we see very little of the rest of the Solar System. Just the bright Sun during the day, the Moon and the planets at night. But in fact, we’re embedded in a huge S…

Why Is the Solar System Flat?

As soon as our solar system was made from a spinning cloud of dust and gas, it came about to form in such a way that all planets assemble on a single plane. But through all of 3D space to select from…

NASA Wants to Probe Deeper Into Uranus

Only one spacecraft, Voyager 2, has ever visited the ice giants Neptune and Uranus . That could be set to change next decade, as NASA is considering sending an orbiter to one of these planets. A repo…

SETI Research: “Unusual Structures” On Far Side Of The Moon Could Have Been Made By Extraterrestrials

Members of the Society For Planetary SETI Research (SPSR) have recently published a paper in the Journal of Space Exploration about certain features on the far side of the moon that appear in the cra…

Something Massive In Our Solar System Has Tilted The Sun By 6 Degrees

According to experts, our Sun is tilted by about 6 degrees compared to the sun’s equator. The reason behind this has remained an astronomical mystery for decades. Now, experts believe they've fin…

Scientists Just Revealed Something Weird About The Night Side Of Venus

For the first time, scientists have successfully  studied clouds and wind on the night side of Venus. And they’ve revealed that it's very different from the day side. That vital data comes from E…

It Took NASA 300 Hours To Make This Mesmerizing 4k Video Of The Sun

It’s always shining, always ablaze with light and energy. In the ubiquity of solar output, Earth swims in an endless tide of particles. Every time half of the Earth faces the Sun, we experience the b…

Hubble Discovers a Unique Type of Object in the Solar System

With the help of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, a German-led group of astronomers have observed the intriguing characteristics of an unusual type of object in the asteroid belt between Mars and…

It's Official: Elon Musk Will Send Humans to Mars in 2024

On the last day of the International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide, Australia, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk took the stage to talk about his company’s BFR project . Moreover, sharing details on how the …

NASA’s Billion-Dollar Space Probe Sends Back Stunning New Images of Jupiter

Every 53 days, something rather wonderful happens. That’s when a small spacecraft built by us puny humans swoops past the gas giant Jupiter, returning stunning images and data. The images returned ar…

Uranus ‘Gapes Wide Open For Blasts Of Hot Wind’, Scientists Claim

Uranus ‘opens wide’ on a daily basis to let in blasts of solar wind – then it clenches shut again, scientists have claimed. The solar system’s rudest planet has been in the headlines a lot lately, as…

Here Is What Would Happen If Humans Tried To Land On Jupiter

A special thanks to Kunio Sayanagi at Hampton University, for his help with this video. The best way to explore a new world is to land on it. That's why humans have sent spacecraft to the Moon, V…
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