Showing posts with the label Skinwalker Ranch

Shermans' 480-acre Ranch a Hotbed for UFOs and Bizarre Paranormal Activity

[...] For more than a year now the Shermans' 480-acre ranch just south of Fort Duchesne in Uintah County has been a hotbed for UFOs and bizarre paranormal activity - weirdness that even the Sh…

Former Military Intelligence Officer Pursues The Paranormal

Tweet      LAS VEGAS - Travel the world to exotic lands, commune with witchdoctors, psychics, and seers, and maybe chase down a few UFOs and mutilated cattle along the way. How does that sound for…

(Some) UFO History

It's About Time      70 years. That's how long it's been since intelligence analysts coined the term "ghost rockets" for select reports of aerial phenomena. Some UFO researcher…
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