Showing posts with the label Sagittarius A*

A Star is about to Zip by the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole at Nearly 3% The Speed of Light

At the center of the Milky Way galaxy, some 26,000 light-years away, lies a supermassive black hole known as Sagittarius A*. With a mass of roughly 4 million Suns, this colossal cosmic object is a gr…

The First Image Of A Black Hole Is Almost Ready

An illustration of how a black hole may appear. Researchers hope to present the first-ever image of a black hole later this winter. (Photo: NASA /Alain Riazuelo) At the center of our Milky Way galaxy…

For The First Time, Astronomers Caught a Black Hole Spewing Out Matter Twice

Black holes don't just sit there munching away constantly on the space around them. Eventually they run out of nearby matter and go quiet, laying in wait until a stray bit of gas passes by. Then …

A Massive Structure, Stretching 2.3 Light-Years At The Center Of Our Galaxy Puzzles Astronomers

The gigantic structure of 2.3 light-years in length near a supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A * baffles astronomers. It turns out that at the center of our galaxy, at around 26,000 light ye…

2018 Will Be The Year Humanity Directly 'Sees' Our First Black Hole

Black holes are some of the most incredible objects in the Universe. There are places where so much mass has gathered in such a tiny volume that the individual matter particles cannot remain as they …

A Mysterious Object ‘Woke Up’ A Supermassive Black Hole At The Center Of Our Galaxy

Three space telescopes have detected an increase in the frequency of X-flares eruptions of a giant black hole located at the center of our galaxy. After a new long-term monitoring process, scientists…
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