Showing posts with the label Roswell Scandal

Hocus Pocus: The Roswell Slides Return

A mainstream media piece by The Guardian from the UK is worth a look for it's portrayal of one of ufology's biggest embarrassments. " The Curious Case Of The Alien In The Photo…

The Roswell Slides - Who Got the Five Grand?

I was reading Tim Printy’s SUNlite ; he mentioned that Jaime Maussan had paid Tony Bragalia five thousand dollars for finding another picture of the mummy displayed in the so-called Roswell Sli…

The Roswell Slides Slow and Painful Death

By Tim Printy SUNlite 9-29-15      After the release of SUNlite 7-4, the Roswell Slides debacle practically disappeared from the Internet. Maussan and his experts appeared to be still sticking to…

BEWOEFUL: The Death of The Roswell Slides

Tweet   By Tim Printy SUNlite 7-1-15 " The program was a train wreck that tried to cram five pounds of crap into a one pound bag. "      Against my better judgment, I chose to invest…

The Roswell Slides: The Seduction of the Will to Believe

By Tim Hebert 6-8-15      One would think that the mystery was solved concerning the Roswell Slides. Definitive proof was offered that the slides depicted the mummified rema…

SETI's Seth Shostak Chimes in On The Roswell Slides

Tweet   Roswell Aliens Not So Alien By Seth Shostak The Huffington Post 5-25-15     Nearly 70 years after extraterrestrials supposedly pushed the wrong button in their spacecraft and nose-dived in…
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