Showing posts with the label Quantum Mechanics

Nothing is solid: This is the world of Quantum Physics

Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again. Nothing is solid. T…

Researchers Just Recorded The Sound Of An Atom For The First Time

In a recent paper published in Science , the chief writer Martin Gustafasson explains how an artificial atom and “the weediest sound that can be distinguished” form a device for studying quantum beha…

Is THIS What Came Before The Big Bang? Scientists Say They Have The Answer To Life's Start

‘ WHAT came before the Big Bang? ’ is a question that has plagued scientists for millennia, but experts may have the answer. Several solutions have been offered up to the age old conundrum, including…

Quantum Physicists Doubled the Information Speed Limit of the Universe

There is a limit to how fast information can move through the universe, just like there's a limit to how fast everything else can move through the universe. It is a rule. But a team of quantum ph…

Gravity Could Be Produced by Bizarre Quantum 'Flashes'

Since the mid-twentieth century, two theories of physics have offered powerful yet incompatible models of the physical universe. General relativity brings space and time together into the (then) port…

Physicists Say Consciousness Should Be Considered A State Of Matter

Scientists don’t really talk much about consciousness. You cannot see it or touch it. Even though several researcher tried it , you can’t quantify it. And if you can’t measure, it simply means you’re…

Quantum Theory Bends The Limits of Physics, Showing Two-Way Signaling May Be Possible

Quantum physics  just beat  classical physics  again. A single quantum particle can send a two-way signal, scientists have discovered - something that's impossible in classical physics. That mean…

Scientists Are Exploring a Link Between Our Minds and the Quantum World

COULD QUANTUM CONSCIOUSNESS EXIST? Despite all the research we’ve done, we still know relatively little about how the human brain works, and we know even less about the mystery of “consciousness.” Sc…

Space Is Not Empty: What The Whole World Should Know About “The Quantum Vacuum”

A century from now, it will be well known that: the vacuum of space which fills the universe is itself the real substratum of the universe; vacuum in a circulating state becomes matter; the electron …

Spooky Quantum Camera Can Snap Photos Of ‘Ghosts’

People have mixed opinions about ghosts. Some only think of them as the stuff of movies and books, while others believe they can feel them, have seen them, and that they need to be recognized as real…

There’s No Such Thing as Nothing, According to Quantum Physics

Theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss clarifies how, over the last hundred or so years, trying to pin down the reality of nothingness has become astonishingly complicated. You know, the Biblical void…

How Is This Possible & What Does It Mean? One Particle Existing In Multiple States Until It’s ‘Observed’

“Matter”: it’s what atoms and molecules are made up of. On the physical material level, it’s what all physical objects are made up of; it is everything that surrounds us and anything that has mass an…

Where Gravity Is Weak and Naked Singularities Are Verboten

Physicists have wondered for decades whether infinitely dense points known as singularities can ever exist outside black holes, which would expose the mysteries of quantum gravity for all to see. Sin…
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