Showing posts with the label Pulsar

China's Enormous New Alien Hunting Radio Telescope Has Made Its Very First Discovery

A little over a year since its completion, China’s  500-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope  (FAST for short) has just made its first confirmed discovery. Astronomers used the giant dish to spot a pai…

Astronomers Have Discovered an Object Rotating at Incredible 700 Times a Second

An international team of researchers has detected an incredible astronomical object: a pulsar that spins over 42,000 times every minute. This is the second-fastest-spinning pulsar ever discovered.   …

Astronomer Have Discovered ‘Surprise’ Pulsar, ‘Most Important Planet Ever’ At The Edge Of Our Solar System

Just few days ago astronomers claimed to have to discover aPulsar , PSR J0540-6919, which lies outside the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud nearly 163,000 light-years away. Pulsars are …
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