Showing posts with the label Psychology

Religious belief not linked to intuition or rational thinking, new research suggests

Religious beliefs are not linked to intuition or rational thinking, according to new research by the universities of Coventry and Oxford. Credit: Business Insider Previous studies have suggested peop…

If Music Gives You Goosebumps, Your Brain Might Be Special

Do you ever get that feeling when listening to a great song that makes all the hairs on your arm stand on end? Personally this writer can remember getting chills when listening to 'Whole Lotta Lo…

Harness the power of the 'Ben Franklin Effect' to get someone to like you

No one likes to feel like a mooch. Which is why asking someone to  do you a favor  — proofread your résumé, walk your dog, loan you $20 because you forgot this was a cash-only restaurant — can be so …
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