Showing posts with the label Project Blue Book

The Lost Files of Project Blue Book

From the Desks of Project Blue Book      The Black Vault is proud to host files from the “Desks of Project Blue Book” — courtesy of Investigator Rob Mercer. Many of these files are not available a…

Flying Saucers (UFOs) Sighters Get Scientific Support | UFO CHRONICLE – 8-12-1965

[...] Jacqques Vallee, French-born astronomer now a Chicagoan, believes a lack of authentic research may be at the bottom of inability to place UFOs in perspective. [...] "The current inc…

The UFO Phenomenon and Close Encounters of the Third Kind – 40th Anniversary

A cinematic marvel that inspired directors of the sci-fi genre, this month marks forty years since the release of Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind . It was also an integral comp…

UFO Investigative Teams and Brigadier General Arthur Exon

As happens all too often, as I’m searching for something else, I stumble onto a document that helps explain information I had found in the past. Brigadier General Arthur Exon, who was the Wrig…

UFO / ET Contact at CIA Head Quarters in Washington D.C.?

[The] so-called "Psychic Incident" which took place at a CIA building in downtown Washington, D.C. ... [It] reportedly occurred on July 6, 1959. And according to a report filed by M…

Hynek’s Last Contract with the Project Blue Book UFO Program

Mark O’Connell’s The Close Encounters Man examines the astronomer J. Allen Hynek’s scientific career and his parallel work in UFO research. O’Connell shows how Hynek, a skeptical advisor to …

Close Encounters: Why UFOs Are Having a Moment

A new biography on scientist Dr. J. Allen Hynek shows that we might be on the verge of another cluster of UFO sighting reports      When the unassuming turn of phrase "unidentified flying objec…

Viral 'Alien Video' (Easily) Proven a HOAX

Tweet      ... the various copies of this video can easily be traced back to an original upload to Youtube on 6 July 2016 by Canadian visual effects artists Aristomenis Tsirbas ("Meni Tsirbas&…

"... Temporary Power Outages and Blackouts Occurred as UFOs Passed Overhead"

Drilling for fossils in ancient sediment By Billy Cox De Void 1-16-15      Dt: 1957 December 18 Lo: Sarasota, Fla. Tm: Ty: Obj., wht; S.A.: TV SET So: UFO EVIDENCE (1964) Dtl: TV set exhibt. inte…
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