Showing posts with the label Planet Nine

Astronomer Have Discovered ‘Surprise’ Pulsar, ‘Most Important Planet Ever’ At The Edge Of Our Solar System

Just few days ago  astronomers claimed to have to discover a Pulsar , PSR J0540-6919, which lies outside the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud nearly 163,000 light-years away. Pulsars ar…

It’s 2018. Here Are Six Scientific Mysteries We Still Haven’t Solved.

Humans have made a staggering amount of scientific and technological progress over the past century. We've created technology that has transformed our society; scientific advances have helped us …

Something Massive In Our Solar System Has Tilted The Sun By 6 Degrees

According to experts, our Sun is tilted by about 6 degrees compared to the sun’s equator. The reason behind this has remained an astronomical mystery for decades. Now, experts believe they've fin…

Astronomers Reveal, THOUSANDS Of Alien Worlds May Lurk BEYOND Pluto!

An incredible new animation reveals the sheer number of alien worlds that may exist beyond the orbit of Pluto. The astronomer who compiled the data has said that it only illustrates a few dwarf plane…

Forget Planet 9—There Are Strong Evidence For Planet TEN

Could Planet Ten be lurking out there? According to recent announcements, a TENTH planet—the size of Mars is lurking at the edge of our solar system. Scientists discovered that the orbits of Kuiper B…

NASA Press Release Says Our Solar System Has a 9th Planet

Earlier this month, NASA issued a press release stating that it’s likely that our solar system has a ninth planet” even if it’s proving difficult to find.  The planet could have a mass ten times tha…

Planet Nine Breakthrough: Scientists Find NEW Evidence Of Mysterious Giant World

SCIENTISTS are claiming to have found more evidence that a planet TEN times the size of Earth is lurking beyond Pluto. Astronomers believe they have found conclusive evidence that suggests planet Nin…

'Planet Nine' Could Be an Alien Intruder

New dynamical simulations suggest that the mysterious unseen world might be an interstellar rogue that was captured by our solar system.       There are few solar system mysteries quite as compellin…

Mysterious ‘Planet Nine’ Causing The Solar System To Wobble?

“Because Planet Nine is so massive and has an orbit tilted compared to the other planets, the solar system has no choice but to slowly twist out of alignment...”      Astronomers can't see “Plan…

Mysterious 'Planet Nine' Tilted Our Solar System?

Two recent studies have shown that the existence of a mysterious, hypothetical Planet Nine could explain why the planets in our Solar System don't fully line up with the Sun. JOSH HRALA …

Is Mysterious 'Planet Nine' Tugging on NASA Probe?

Astronomers are homing in on the whereabouts of a hidden giant planet in our solar system, and could discover the unseen beast in roughly a year By Shannon Hall ScientificAmerican 4-5-16 …
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