Showing posts with the label Parallel Universe

Five Mind Boggling Theories About The Universe And Parallel Worlds

1. Is the universe a 2D hologram? The US Department of Energy (USDE) launched an experiment to find this out earlier this year using its "Holometer". Researchers said that characters on a T…

2 Weeks Before Death, Hawking Submitted a Mind-Melting Paper on Parallel Universes

Stephen Hawking submitted the final version of his last scientific paper just two weeks before he died, and it lays the theoretical groundwork for discovering a parallel universe. Hawking, who passed…

Parallel Universes May Be The Only Hope Of Surviving The Death Of The Cosmos

On a YouTube channel Big Think, Dr. Michio Kaku takes a moment to discuss the death of the universe, how long we have, and how we might be able to hitch a ride into a neighboring, parallel universe. …

Five Weird Theories of What Lies Outside the Universe

Physicists have long studied the nature of the universe. But some go a step further into the unknown (and probably unknowable), contemplating what lies outside the boundaries of our universe. Is it p…

Scientists May Have Found Evidence Of A Parallel Universe

The idea that we might be living in just one of an infinite number of universes has been fodder for scientific debate and sci-fi movie plots for a long time, but coming up with evidence to support th…

Multiverse: Astronomers may have Found the First Evidence of Parallel Universes

Last year seems as if we have already fallen into a parallel universe but Trump and Brexit are nothing matched to the alternate universes many astronomers are considering. Cosmologists call it the m…

How Is This Possible & What Does It Mean? One Particle Existing In Multiple States Until It’s ‘Observed’

“Matter”: it’s what atoms and molecules are made up of. On the physical material level, it’s what all physical objects are made up of; it is everything that surrounds us and anything that has mass an…

Parallel Universes Could Solve One of the Biggest Mysteries in Physics

BLACK HOLES AND REVELATIONS Black holes are the source of a major quandary when it comes to our understanding of physics; either they can destroy information, which contradicts what we know about qua…

"The Human Species Will One Day Migrate To A Parallel Universe" -- Michio Kaku

Like many physicists, Michio Kaku thinks our universe will end in a "big freeze." However, unlike many physicists, he thinks we might be able to avoid this fate by slipping into a parallel …

Researchers May Have Found Conclusive Evidence Of Another UNIVERSE

This new discovery challenges our current cosmological model and understanding of the universe. “…this might be taken as the first evidence for the multiverse – and billions of other universes may ex…

Amazing! Scientists Will Launch A Spacecraft Able To Detect Parallel Universes!

Humans were made to explore new places and learn, where in ancient times explorers traveled across the oceans to discover new lands and cultures and bring home new knowledge of how Earth's fascin…

Parallel Worlds Exist And Will Soon Be Testable, Scientists Say

Is there a copy of you reading this article at this precise moment in a parallel universe? Dr. Brian Greene, writer of The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos has fait…

"Seeing Through The Big Bang Into Another Universe" - Gravitational Wave Discovery Confirm An Outrageous 'New' Cosmology

“ Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true, ” said the great Danish physicist Niels Bohr. Enter Sir Roger Penrose. Correlated noise in the two LIGO gravitational-wave detectors …

The 3 Ways That Parallel Universes Could Be Real

The idea that things exist in a particular, well-defined state at all times where their properties can be determined so long as you can measure them well enough was fundamental to how we conceived of…

Do We Live in a Multiverse? Here’s What PHYSICS Really Has To Say

The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of possible universes, including the universe in which we live. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of sp…

Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe – Equations Predict

Like part of a cosmic Russian doll, our universe may be perfectly nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe. In turn, all the black holes found so far in our universe—from t…
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