Showing posts with the label Outsourcing

Unionizing & Daytimizing Philippine Outsourcing [?]

They work the early morning hours...for good reason. There's an interesting article over at Bloomberg talking about the Philippines' emergence as a global hub for business process outsourci…

Philippine Call Center Ascendancy & 'Accent Neutralization'

" Shuur , no prob... yeh , got that rite !" Oy, I was reluctant to say this myself for fear of bias, so it's good to relate the same idea through another source. In the past I've po…

How Large is the Domestic Footprint of MNCs?

The answer is "not much." There's a very interesting thing going on worldwide as Western stock indices hit all-new highs week after week while their local economies suffer from stagnati…

Ranking the World's Top Outsourcing Destinations

At the end of last year, "services globalization and investment advisory firm" Tholons released the 2014 edition of its annual outsourcing destination rankings. The rankings have received…

A New Merger Gimmick: 'We'll Onshore Jobs'

Coming from the the world's call centre capital , I found this news interesting since it may mean T-Mobile call centre jobs in the Philippines being repatriated to the US. A few months ago, I wr…

Philippines, Not India is World's Call Centre Capital

Now this article kind of took me by surprise. While India is renowned as a global hub for business process outsourcing (BPO)--we even have popular entertainment glamorizing its services-led economic …

Obama, India and Making Outsourcing Acceptable

[NOTE: It's been a while since we've had a feature on Indian outsourcing, so it's about time we got back in the swing of things via President Obama's visit to the services powerhouse …

Obama's Latest Protectionist Flap Offends India

India's domination of the outsourcing trade has hardly gone unnoticed among the protectionists and xenophobes in America. A key question for Indian business is if Obama is one of those. His membe…

"Insourcing," the Revival of British Manufacturing

Listen up as you're likely to read more about this practice in the near future. Among the latest buzzwords to hit little ol' me is insourcing . In contrast to the phenomena of outsourcing wh…

India: the Outsourcing of Outsourcing

It appears that our Indian friends, the masters of outsourcing, are now applying the tricks of their trade elsewhere. Not only are they setting up shop in more locations across the globe to leverage …

The Future of IT Outsourcing has a nifty feature on five directions which information technology (IT) outsourcing is likely to take: (1) Consolidation. Competition for outsourcing contracts is more cut-throat than e…
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