Showing posts with the label Oregon

OREGON UFO EVENT: Air Traffic Control Audio Tapes Released via FOIA Request

FOIA Strikes Again      Remember that riveting opening sequence in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” when air traffic controllers stared at their boards as airline pilots barely avoided colli…

UPDATE: F-15's Scrambled in Pursuit of UFO; Radar & Audio Data Released via FOIA Request | VIDEO

Last November, The War Zone posted an exclusive story detailing a bizarre incident involving an unidentified aircraft that transited the skies of the Pacific Northwest in the early evening of…

Capital Punishment in the United States Explained

US Air Force Confirms, Unidentified Aircraft Flew Through US Skies; F-15C Interceptor Fighters Were Scrambled

THE US Air Force admits it. Something strange flew through US skies, startling flyers and spurring the launch of jets.      On October 25, an unidentified aircraft was seen flying — in broad daylig…

F-15's Scrambled Over Mystery Aircraft

Something quite out of the ordinary occurred in the skies over Oregon on October 25th, 2017. A mystery aircraft was flying in daylight hours among the steady stream of airliners that traverse …

Oregon: Innocence Project asks judge to look at death row case

Oregon's non-unanimous jury law under scrutiny

Former Oregon Gov. Kitzhaber: Repeal of death penalty is only one step

Fast Moving UFO Videotaped Over LaGrange | VIDEO

Tweet By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 1-28-16      An Oregon witness at LaGrange reported watching and videotaping a glowing, disc-shaped UFO, according to testimony in Case 53207 from the Mutual UFO …

UFO May Have Landed

Tweet By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 1-28-16      An Oregon witness at Eugene watched and photographed a series of lights “in perfect alignment” that appeared to move to ground level and land about…

UFO Photographed Over Oregon Neighborhood

Tweet By Roger Marsh OpenMinds.tv 11-4-15      An Oregon witness at Eugene reported watching and photographing a dark sphere UFO just above the tree line on an adjacent property, according to tes…
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