Showing posts with the label Operation Mockingbird

5 People You Won’t Believe Worked For the CIA

What is The Deep State?

Memo offers a look into the CIA’s private press pool

While most people with an interest in the history of CIA will have heard of “ Operation Mockingbird ,” which weaponized the press for propaganda purposes through the “Office of Policy Coordination,” …

A Brief History Of Media Cover-Ups & Self-Censorship: Who’s Afraid of Russ Baker’s “Family Of Secrets”

Public opinion was polarized over JFK’s assassination. Forty-six percent of Americans doubted the Warren Commission’s finding that Oswald “acted alone;” Garrison was becoming more vocal about Oswald’…

Government Propagandists in Corporate Media

The US Senate Church Committee disclosed in 1975 that more than over 400 government propagandists had infiltrated American corporate media to manipulate public opinion on key policies, including war…

Top 10 Weirdest CIA Programs

Over the years, the American Central Intelligence Agency has gained a reputation for being the most far-reaching, sophisticated, and effective government intelligence agency on the planet. At the s…

Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government (Pt. 4b)

In the first three installments of this series I examined the existence of the massive surveillance state database MAIN CORE and how similar tools of oppression are destroying American civil libert…

In 1933, the American Press Was Proud that Hitler Adopted Its Propaganda Methods. Nothing Has Changed.

In 1933, the American advertising industry proudly and publicly boasted that Hitler was copying their American propaganda techniques. After Hitler and Goebbels gave a bad name to propaganda, Freud&…

Walter Cronkite: Most Trusted Asset of Operation Mockingbird

The corporate media, at least at the level Walter Cronkite occupied, is rife with spooks, government agents, and disinfo operatives. The CIA has “important assets” inside every major news publicati…

William F. Buckley and the CIA

It is well known that William F. Buckley spent some time in the CIA before he went on to start National Review. In certain libertarian circles, the charge has been made that Buckley never left the …

Dissecting the US Mainstream Media

I think the best place to start would be the breakthrough article by Carl Bernstein, THE CIA AND THE MEDIA , on how America’s most powerful news media worked hand in glove with the CIA, and why the…
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