Showing posts with the label Nuclear Hazard

Radiation 'Hell Hole' Discovered in Fukushima

While the last six years have been horrific at Fukushima, recent weeks have proven to spiral into new depths of hell .  Robots specifically intended to deal with radiation have failed to meet their m…

More Melted Fuel Found at Fukushima 7 Years Later

It has been seven years since the worst industrial disaster in all of human history happened in Fukushima, yet its devastating effects are still being felt to this day. As a matter of fact, experts h…

3 Lessons to Learn from Hawaii’s False Nuclear Missile Warning (That Sent Unprepared Citizens Into a Total Panic)

As you’re probably aware by now, the government of Hawaii texted out an emergency ballistic missile warning over the weekend, terrifying its citizens with the following text: EMERGENCY ALERT: BALLIST…

Chairman and Two VPs of TEPCO Will Stand Trial for the Death of 44 People in Fukushima Meltdowns

( EnviroNews World News ) — The Chairman, and two Vice Presidents of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) will stand trial for the death of 44 people who were killed in the ensuing melee followin…

The 40-Year Plan to Stop the Leakage at Fukushima Probably Failed Already

Six years plus after the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that led to a partial meltdown of the Fukushima nuclear plant on March 11, 2011, a near total media blackout on this issue is signal that …

Fukushima – The Untouchable Eco-Apocalypse No One is Talking About

The most important ecological crisis of the world has ever seen has been underway since March 11th, 2011, yet there is nary a mention of it in the corporate media, and no political body in the world …

Say No to Nuclear War: How to Reverse the Tide of War — A Global People’s Movement

A necessary condition for bringing down the rulers is to question their legitimacy and eventually dismantle their propaganda campaign. “Throughout the history of mankind there have been murderers and…

These U.S. Cities Would be Targeted First in a Nuclear War

Following the end of the Cold War, the world breathed a sigh of relief when the two superpowers – the United States and the Soviet Union – did not destroy each other with nuclear fire and much of the…

Fukushima Report: Hundreds of Millions of Salmon Missing, Presumed Dead; All Forms of Ocean Life Dying in Stunning Numbers Across Pacific

South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL), Mar 16, 2017 (emphasis added): The low salmon run size for the Yuba River appears to be part of another regional salmon collapse. The California Department …

Nuclear Engineer Says Fukushima is 'As Close to Hell as I can Imagine'

The devastation imparted by the Fukushima meltdown in 2011 is still in effect, and it’s likely that the radiation from the nuclear power plant will be in our environment for a very long time.  Recent…

Contamination Levels Rising as Fukushima Rages 5 Years Onward

Passing the 5 year anniversary mark in March of this year, it is increasingly peculiar and frustrating to see the Fukushima-Daiichi disaster still raging on, while the confusion surrounding the part…

Dinosaur Extinction Was a Preview of the Fukushima Kill-Off

A Sobering, Inarguable Explanation Of The Cataclysm At Hand By Yoichi Shimatsu, Exclusive to Rense Nobody should burst out with laughter on this solemn sixth anniversary of the Fukushima reactor melt…

Journalist Says Israel Responsible for Fukushima Sabotage

Japanese journalist Yoichi Shimatsu has claimed that Israel were responsible in the sabotage of the Fukushima nuclear power plant which, he says, suffered a nuclear meltdown in March 2011. by Your Ne…

The Biggest Depopulation Deception to Date: “Radiation is Good for You!”

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is considering a move to eliminate the “Linear No-Threshold” (LNT) basis of radiation protection that the U.S. has used for decades and replace it with the “rad…

Aliens Have Deactivated Nuclear Weapons from the US and UK

According to the statement of several military officials, aliens have deactivated Nuclear weapons from both the US and UK. It seems that Aliens really hate nukes. According to US military Pilots, ext…
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