Showing posts with the label Nikola Tesla

5 Nikola Tesla Inventions That Threatened The Global Elite

( ) Most great inventions fundamentally change the society in which they exist. Since the people at the top of the social structure have more to gain by reinforcing the status quo, they su…

Tesla's Legendary "Tower" Built and Tested in Russia

This "Tesla baby" can produce enough power matching all power generation facilities in Russia when lightning is discharged onto a platform. A team of Russian scientists are already working …

TOP 11 Most Incredible Discoveries of Nikola Tesla

"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. Throughout space there is energy." — Nikola Tesla, 1892 Nikola Tesla was a geniu…

The Extraterrestrial Messages of Nikola Tesla

Tesla believed he received alien messages at the end of the nineteenth century by EWAO It is not a secret that there are numerous inventions of Tesla that have been attributed to other "inventor…
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