Showing posts with the label New York

Preet Bharara Explains Why He Let Wall Street Bank Executives Avoid Prison

Bharara was nowhere to be found when it came to charging the top executives whose actions led to the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and AIG, and who made all manner of misleading statemen…

Drain the Swamp? Supporters Say Fired Prosecutor Bharara Was Doing It

If President Donald Trump is serious about his pledge to "drain the swamp," his administration may have fired the high-profile New York prosecutor who is actually doing it, supporters of th…

Preet Bharara Is Fired After Refusing to Step Down as U.S. Attorney

Preet Bharara, the Manhattan federal prosecutor who was asked by President Trump to remain in his post shortly after the election, was fired on Saturday after he refused an order to submit his resign…

The DOJ Just Called for the Firing of 46 Obama-Appointed U.S. State’s Attorneys, Including Preet Bharara

Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked the remaining 46 U.S. Attorneys who were appointed during Obama’s tenure to tender their resignations. This is a pretty standard practice — new presidents usually…

New Bill Would Force NYPD to Disclose Its Surveillance Tech Playbook

LEGISLATION INTRODUCED TODAY by New York City council members Dan Garodnick and Vanessa Gibson would finally compel the NYPD — one of the most technology-laden police forces in the country — to make …

Court Puts Facebook Search Warrants Under Spotlight

During a probe of massive fraud in 9/11 benefits, Facebook took a stand for user privacy in objecting to bulk electronic search warrants, an attorney for the social-networking giant told New York’s …

I Photographed a UFO

I saw and photographed a UFO – an unidentified flying object – in North Brentwood late Saturday night. Long Island Press 10-31-1966 At the same time I was visually and photographically tra…

Disc-Shaped UFO Videotaped Over New York Skies

A New York witness at Owego reported watching and videotaping a disc-shaped UFO crossing the sky silently, according to testimony in Case 51482 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness repor…

Air Force Jets Chase Mysterious Unidentified Flying Object | UFO CHRONICLE – 1951

Tweet      Two Air force jet pilots reported today they chased a mysterious, round flying object, traveling at a speed they estimated at 900 miles an hour. New York Post 9-11-1951 See Also: …

Four UFOs (Flying Saucers) Seen To Land in Woods

Tweet By The Racquette 10-20-1950 See Also: LANDING OF SAUCER REPORTED March 21, 1966 Eight Flying Saucers Landed in Idaho July 6, 1947 Flying Saucer: Midget Pilot Reported Landing in Mexico * Spe…

Couple Spots UFOs Flying in Formation Over Clinton, New York

2015 UFO: Bright Orange-Red UFOs By Cheryl Costa www.syracusenewtimes.com 8-21-15      They had just returned from a mud run and never expected to see orange-red UFOs! A couple weeks ago on July 25…

The Herkimer Black Triangle UFO

By Cheryl Costa 7-24-15 www.syracusenewtimes.com      Who knew that a simple winter’s night snowmobile ride would result in the sighting of a black triangle UFO? Triangular-shaped UFOs have been i…

Masonic Walking Tour of Lower Manhattan 9/10/2011

The Brother Moses Montefiore Masonic Study Association has organized a Masonic walking tour of Lower Manhattan, on Saturday, September 10, 2011, at 10:00AM (rain or shine). They will gather at St. Pa…

TSA Joins NYPD in Subway Baggage Screening

Straphangers on their way to and from work Wednesday were surprised to see Transportation Security Administration officials, who usually screen luggage in airports, checking bags at local subway sta…

Gotti Jr. on Living and Leaving a Life of Crime

For nearly three decades, the name "Gotti" has been synonymous with organized crime in America. According to the federal government, John Gotti Senior, and later his son, John Junior, ran t…

Aftermath of 9/11: Study Shows Firefighters' Breathing Problems Never Went Away

More than seven years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, rescue workers still had trouble breathing after they inhaled from the cloud of dust that enveloped southern Manhattan, a new stud…

Subway riders question NYPD’s ‘ridiculous’ show of force

Some people in New York are wondering whether the presence of police officers toting machine guns through the city's subway tunnels is really a necessary response to the subway bombings in Moscow…

City to Conduct 3 Month Search for 9/11 Remains at Fresh Kills Landfill

Family members of 9/11 victims received word Friday afternoon that the city will conduct a three month search for remains at the Fresh Kills Landfill in Staten Island. Read full article »»

The Politics of Terror In New York

Since 2007 the Big Apple has been experimenting with a program designed to detect "dirty bombs" and other radiological threats. In theory it would allow law enforcement to sniff-test every …

Federal Judge Orders More Talks on 9/11 Deal

The federal judge overseeing litigation between the city and workers at ground zero on Friday rejected a settlement reached by the two sides, telling lawyers that it did not provide enough compensati…
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