Showing posts with the label Nature

It’s So Cold In North America That Niagara Falls Is Frozen, And It Looks Like Something From Narnia

Niagara falls are a spectacular place to visit at any time of year, however in winter, especially seriously cold winters like North America is currently experiencing, they are truly a breathtaking si…

Photographer Captures One In A Million Photo, Doesn’t Realize It Until He Gets Home

Sometimes in nature things happen that seem too good to be true! Perfect coincidences that vividly illustrate the beauty and wonder of the world around us. One such episode occurred over the Costa Br…

Pilot Captures Amazing Thunderstorm Photo At 37,000 Feet Over The Pacific Ocean

In the last few years, we have seen our fair piece of storm, tornados and lightning photographs, but these photographs from Ecuador Airlines pilot Santiago Borja might be the best of them. Captured f…

This Deep-Sea Fisherman has Been Posting His Finds on Twitter, and it's Legit Terrifying

Forget all those celebrities – if you’re only going to follow one social media account, then make sure it's an obscure Russian fisherman called Roman Fedortsov. Roman’s  Twitter  and  Instagram  …

8 Books Neil Degrasse Tyson Says Every Intelligent Person Should Read

Want to know why we use fossil fuels to power our buildings and cars? How the US came to be the "leader of the free world"? How we transitioned from floating single-celled organisms to walk…

Particle Physics: String Theory And The Nature Of Our Reality

For thousands of years, humans have attempted to explain the fundamental particles from which all matter is made up of. Today, we call this particle physics. It’s the examination of matter and how it…

Trees Also Communicate Through Their own Internet

A new book, The Secret Life of Trees, titles that trees talk to one another . But is this actually the case? The humble answer is that plants surely give-and-take information with one another and oth…

Researchers Have Found The Tallest Tropical Tree In The World

A team of Scientists have discovered the tallest tropical tree on Earth, with a height of 309-foot (94.1 meter) tree in Borneo breaking the previous record. Furthermore, discovering the tallest known…

The Search for Fifth Fundamental Force and Future of Physics

If you want to put every discovery in the field of physics in the last, let say, some thousand years in a small table then you can do that. You can put everything of nature into four fundamental forc…
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