Showing posts with the label Moon Landings

This is for Everyone Who Wonder Why There are No Stars in Apollo Moon Landing Images

On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin climbed down from the Eagle lunar module (leaving behind poor  Michael Collins ) to put the first footprints on the moon. That…

Why Aren’t There Stars in the Moon Landing Photos? -Explained

On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin climbed down from the Eagle lunar module (leaving behind poor Michael Collins) to put the first footprints on the moon. That’s th…

Stunning Film Reveals the Apollo Moon Landings as You've Never Seen Them Before

It is a stunning new view of one of mankind's greatest achievements. A new short film has used digital effects to turn thousands of NASA images of the Apollo missions into a short film. Called lu…

SO, NASA Got Sick of all that Conspiracy Thing and Released over 10,000 Photos from the Apollo Moon Mission

Back in the time when the United States and the USSR were involved in a space race, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower started a space program, to remain competitive and ahead of the Russians. The pro…

China is Planning to Visit Mars By 2020 and Beat NASA to Set Up the First Manned Moon Base

China has finally announced that it plans to visit Mars by 2020, along with being one of the first nations to walk on the "far side" of the moon.  In an unusual video discussion with the BB…
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