Showing posts with the label Moon

This Is Big: Scientists Solve One of the Great Mysteries of the Moon's Formation

The University of Texas’ research team has discovered that the formation of the moon’s crust composed by one mineral could not be explained by the initial crust formation and must have been a result…

All Saturn V Launches At Once In One Jaw-Dropping Video

The Saturn V is the largest, heaviest, and most powerful rocket Homo sapiens have ever manufactured. In 13 missions, it took 24 astronauts outside earth's orbit, counting all 12 who ever set foot…

SETI Research: “Unusual Structures” On Far Side Of The Moon Could Have Been Made By Extraterrestrials

Members of the Society For Planetary SETI Research (SPSR) have recently published a paper in the Journal of Space Exploration about certain features on the far side of the moon that appear in the cra…

Watch Record-Breaking Meteorite Crash on Moon

We know, rocks and asteroids crash into the moon all the time and that’s the reason it's so cratered. But there's something about looking at it in action, that's pretty incredible. So exa…

Sorry, Mars Fans – NASA Can’t Afford the Trip

NASA’s human spaceflight director dropped a bombshell, saying they can’t afford a crewed mission to Mars. The agency may instead focus on its Moon plans. If the mission and special occasion hint at a…

What If The Moon Was At The Same Distance As The International Space Station?

It was created by the channel yeti dynamics back in 2013, but has been doing the rounds again after being posted on Reddit. It shows what would happen if, rather than being at its current distance of…

This is How Flat Earthers Explain the Total Solar Eclipse, and It's Hilarious

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon is at a close enough point to the Earth and simultaneously crosses the path of the sun, causing it to cast a shadow over large parts of Earth’s surface, wit…


British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said the previous evening, in a network show devoted to the International Space Station (ISS), that in 50 years individuals will live on the Moon and we will b…

Here’s Where The Super Blue Blood-Moon On January 31 Will Be Best Observed From

Prepare to look up at the night sky at the end of the month, as you might be able to witness an event that has not happened for 150 years. On January 31, millions of people around the globe will have…

7 Objects Found in Outer Space That We Just Can't Explain!

From galaxies that are 13 billion years old to changing colors of Jupiter’s great spot, we will take a look at seven objects in space that we just can’t explain. (Image: This enhanced image of SN1993…

Something Weird! Very Weird Is Happening on Saturn’s Moon Titan

Thanks to the efforts of NASA and its incredibly reliable Cassini spacecraft, we now know more about Saturn and its moons than ever before, but it seems there are still some surprises in store for sc…

China Reaches The Moon Snapping Incredible, Never-Before-Seen High-Definition Images

While exploring the lunar surface, China’s Chang’e 3 lander discovered a new type of moon rock, and managed to snap THOUSANDS of high-resolution images of the moon. For the first time ever, you can t…

Here's What NASA Saw When It Landed On Saturn's Largest Moon

Huygens touched down on Titan's frigid surface on Jan. 14, 2005, three weeks after separating from the Cassini mothership. It was a landmark moment in planetary science, mission team members sai…

Holy Crap, Did The Enterprise Just Fly Past The Moon?

Romanian professional photographer Maximilian Teodorescu took this intense photo of the International Space Station (ISS) as it wandered across the surface of the Moon. But observing it a bit nearby,…

New Category of Presidential Directives for U.S. Space Program, Created By Pres. Trump

President Trump created an entire new category of presidential directives to present his guidance for the U.S. space program. The new Space Policy Directive 1 was signed on December 11 and pub…

Jaw-Dropping Video Brings NASA Photos Of Apollo Mission To Life

It is a stunning new view of one of mankind's greatest achievements. A new short film has used digital effects to turn thousands of NASA images of the Apollo missions into a short film. Called Lu…

China Will Be Carrying Insects And Plants to The Surface of The Moon This Year

It would be no exaggeration to say that we live in an age of renewed space exploration. In particular, the Moon has become the focal point of increasing attention in recent years. In addition to Pres…
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