Showing posts with the label Military court

Israel's Security Cabinet to Discuss Bill That Would Allow Death Penalty for Terrorists

Remembering the White Rose

Pakistani army condemns 7 'hardcore' militants to death

Knesset Considers Changing Law to Apply Death Penalty to Convicted Terrorists

Tuesday Becomes Execution Day in Egypt

Terror Convicts on Death Penalty Referred to Egypt Mufti

Israel: Sefardi Chief Rabbi Opposes Calls for Death Penalty

Shocked at executions in Egypt, UN rights office raises concerns over due process guarantees

Egypt hangs 4 convicted of deadly 2014 bomb attack

Mass protests against planned execution of activists continue in Bahrain

Bangladesh: Mass Death Sentences Confirmed

Bangladesh upholds death sentence for 139 soldiers over massacre

Netanyahu Told Bereaved Family He Favored Death Penalty for Terrorists, but Told Cabinet He Was Against

On death row in Pakistan

Indonesia: Military officer sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for blasphemy

Pakistan: Army Chief Ratifies Death Penalty Against 4 Terrorists; Court Awards Death Penalty to 2 for Murder

Military court convicts Halamish terrorist’s family for not turning him in

Israel: Netanyahu demands death penalty for Halamish terrorist

Israeli Ministers Call for Death Penalty for Halamish Terrorist

Pakistan: No threat of imminent execution to Kulbhushan Jadhav, says SC lawyer

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