Showing posts with the label Migration

US Mess, EU's Problem: Refugee Crisis at Sea

Did US interference make their lives any better? Take a guess... For many people in conflict zones, the coming of the year 2014 is hardly "new," let alone "happy." The depressing …

Literally Dying for 2022 World Cup: Migrants in Qatar

Just when you thought Qatar's 2022 World Cup could not get any more controversial after continuing debates about the procedure used to select the tiny state and the difficulties associated with …

Singapore Needlessly Discriminates Against Expats

The cute (and very rare) Singapore baby Here's another interesting feature about the politics of migration being waged right here in Southeast Asia. One of the reasons why the People's Action…

US Now Sends More Immigrants to Mexico

What would Cheech and Chong do about the United States now sending more migrants to Mexico than Mexico sends to the United States? That comedy act is stuck in a time warp where the supposedly backwa…

Demographic Consequences of US Economic Stagnation

US Labor Force Participation Rate In development theory, there is thing called the " demographic transition " which argues that birth rates should diminish as a country becomes wealthier an…

Depopulation or the Detroitification of Japan

There is a spectre haunting the developed world--the spectre of Detroitification . (Take that, Marx and Engels!) It involves depopulation and industrial hollowing out destroying the tax base of local…

Money Printing Plus: Japan's Other Growth Strategies

Everyone knows of Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's money-printing strategies for combating Japan's seemingly unconquerable deflation. However, it is but one tactic in a multi-pronged strategy to get …

Neymar! Reducing Brazil's Football 'Trade Surplus'

It's time for another sporting feature since we haven't had one for quite some time now. Fortunately, there's interesting stuff courtesy of TIME Magazine about the changing complexion of…

Growing Export Markets by Immigration to Canada

Pro-migration voices like myself usually argue that the exchange of people is mutually beneficial for destination and source countries alike. Destination countries--usually wealthier Western nations …

Will Remittances Outstrip FDI to LDCs?

In an older post, I reiterated the argument that if rich countries were truly interested in promoting world development, then they would allow more persons from poor countries to work there. As we a…

Spanish Exodus: Back to Latin America

[NOTE: This is another of my "Hard Times in Hispania" installations .] In a recent post, I described how many young, jobless Spaniards sought employment in Germany despite the language bar…

NOT Going to America? Japanese Baseball Protectionism

Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball - Jacques Barzun [ RIP ] Those with even a passing knowledge of baseball know that the Japanese are the best in the world…

Get Lost Foreign Students: Today's United Kingdom

Having been one at various points in life, I generally believe foreign students are harmless. While they are certainly easy targets for xenophobia--recall how the United States tightened student visa…

FILTH No More: Expats 'Endangered' in Asia

"Bye-bye, laowai!" (foreign devil) I kept hearing last year while playing the ultra-violent video game Deus Ex: Human Revolution which partly occurs in the fictional Chinese megacity of H…

No Jobs? Come to Germany, Young PIGS Citizens

From station to station Back to Dusseldorf City Meet Iggy Pop and David Bowie Trans-Europe Express  Whew! We haven't had a video feature in a while, so here's a classic, Kraftwerk's Trans…

Hopeless, Jobless America? Go East, Young Yank

There are two interesting features in TIME on dealing with the generally jobless state of modern America. The first is a Job-like (biblical) lament about how unpaid internships are common Stateside …

Jackson-Vanik, Cold War US-Russia Trade Irritant

I recently visited Singapore and was given a quaint reminder of days gone by when, while checking into my hotel, I noticed a separate registration section needed to be filled by unmarried guests shar…

Your Top Migration Stories of 2011

The Migration Information Source lists its top migration stories for 2011. You have the usual xenophobia. But, the main themes are evenly split between human security issues involving unstable Midd…

Filipino Migrant Workers & Middle East Crossfire

What is the responsibility of a migrant-sending nation to its people overseas during times of trouble o'er yonder? I suppose it depends on the level of encouragement that the nation in question p…

Emiratization & the Middle East Migration Debate

Migration has obviously been a hot topic as of late in many Middle East energy exporters that have large migrant worker populations. While the stereotypical migrant performs '3-D' dirty, dang…
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