Showing posts with the label Migration

'Furious 7' Box Office Success Banks on US Diversity

New box office formula: fewer gringo actors = more moviegoers. I am not much of a follower of the US film industry, but this story caught my interest for a number of reasons. To be honest, I haven&#…

First World Migration: Franck Ribery Turns German?

Having won everything for Germans, Frank Ribery ponders becoming one himself. We often think of migration as a South-North issue: folks from developing countries heading to developed countries in sea…

EU Dream: 90,000 Jews Seek Spanish Citizenship

Spain sort of rights wrongs...over half a millennium later. [NOTE: This ain't no April Fool's Day post; see here , too.] We keep hearing this refrain that "the EU is finished" only …

Will Geezerization Cost Finland Another AAA Rating?

The economic consequences of a top-heavy population pyramid are predictable. After dwelling on the political economy of East Asian depopulation in recent posts [ 1 , 2 ], let's change the venue t…

Migration & Japan's Half-Black Miss Universe Contestant

Beauty contest winner Ariana Miyamoto--the face of a modernizing Japan. Time for a weekend feature: a few days ago, Ariana Miyamoto from Nagasaki prefecture won the Miss Universe Japan beauty contest…

Ruble & Exodus from Russia of the Stans' Migrants

Only in Moscow is Tajikistan so far away. Here's another one of those interesting side stories to Russia's ongoing economies woes. In the past, workers--both documented and undocumented--used…

Nina Pham & Vietnamese Postwar Resettlement

Vietnamese-Americans in focus. The cruel thing about the Ebola virus is that it infects those who care. Medical professionals, including nurses, are often most susceptible to infection for this very …

Chinese Fleeing PRC: The Hotel California Effect

There's no getting away from the PRC, mates. There's an excellent article at the WSJ concerning wealthy Chinese leaving the PRC...for good. It is fairly common for wealthy people in poor cou…

Pity the Children: 'War on Drugs' Fuels Asylum Seekers

This train of pain begins and ends in the United States. I am not sure if there is a moral to recent events, but the number of children seeking asylum in the United States from gang warfare-torn coun…

US Can Learn From Its Football Vanquisher, Belgium

US never really had a chance...but Belgium can teach it a trick or three. Ho-hum, another World Cup, another early US demise--this time in the first knockout round. Despite having the finest hired gu…

From Where Does Silicon Valley Import Its Brains?

There's an excellent infographic over at Businessweek on where its workforce comes from both inside the United States and outside of it. There are some highly interesting results: First, Mexico…

Italy, Migration & the "Balotelli Generation"

Mario Balotelli: Not just a footballer but a poster boy for an entire generation. I cheered England on as it inevitably lost to Italy 1-2 (being a true romantic, I am drawn to lost causes). I was non…

Japanese Depopulation & Few Foreign Workers

For all its current woes, there is no doubt that the United States remains an attractive destination for skilled migrant workers. Despite its current bedraggled state, there is no doubt that American…

Europe's Refugee Crisis: Made in the USA

Not being in range of MENA emboldens Americans to #$%^ up the region for others to deal with. How does the saying go... With "friends" like the United States, who needs enemies? American of…

Migration's Goons? Repatriation Companies in Singapore

[ You may want to play The Clash's " Know Your Rights " for musical accompaniment while reading this .] My, oh my. First we learn that migrant riots do occur in Singapore. Now we learn…

Buying Canadian Citizenship Costs More Now

The good stuff When it was announced that the British would hand Hong Kong back to the Chinese in the year 1997, there was a flurry among its wealthy residents to decamp to Canada. Back then, we were…

Tens of Trillions of Yen Later, Abenomics is a Dud

The plight of the developed world is of massive interest to developing countries such as ours for the simple reason that, since we aspire to being developed status, what comes next is of consequence.…

Repopulating Doomsville: Detroit & US Migration

Followers of international migration know that there is a movement among traditional migrant-receiving nations, usually Anglophone countries Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, to …
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